ndunand / moodle-mod_choicegroup

Moodle "Group Choice" plugin
34 stars 57 forks source link

MOODLE_INTERNAL checking and Moodle code style rules #136

Closed OlenaTatarintseva closed 4 years ago

OlenaTatarintseva commented 4 years ago


First of all I want say thank you for your work with the plugin.

I just would like to suggest, that it would be good to add MOODLE_INTERNAL check in php files in the plugin to comply Moodle code requirements: https://docs.moodle.org/dev/Coding_style#Require_.2F_include. There are some files in db and backup directory, where MOODLE_INTERNAL check is missed.

Best regards, Olena Tatarintseva

ndunand commented 4 years ago


Thanks for reporting this, you are absolutely right. I'll try and fix this for the next release.

ndunand commented 4 years ago
