ndxbxrme / generator-angular-meteor

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Arrow keys not working when selecting packages #31

Open albertonaperijr opened 8 years ago

albertonaperijr commented 8 years ago


I run yo angular-meteor appName and it prompt What would you like to write scripts with? (Use arrow keys) and there are 2 options JavaScript and CoffeeScript. CoffeeScript is selected by default but when I try to select JavaScript using the arrow keys it's not responding. Can anyone help me with this problem? By the way, my OS is windows 10.


Svenskunganka commented 8 years ago

Try running it in a Git Bash shell instead of Windows Command Prompt (assuming you have Git installed on your PC).

Node have a long history of being a bit wonky on Windows. I believe this issue is related: SBoudrias/Inquirer.js#235

ndxbxrme commented 8 years ago

Hey Alberto,

Tom is right. This issue has come up before (https://github.com/ndxbxrme/generator-angular-meteor/issues/27) and I still don't have a better solution than using a different terminal client. I still recommend http://cmder.net/

albertonaperijr commented 8 years ago

@Svenskunganka I'm already using git bash when I encountered the issue. @ndxbxrme I've tried Cmder but I'm still encountering the same issue. Arrow keys are not working.

Hope you can help me with this!


Svenskunganka commented 8 years ago

@albertonaperijr as much as we want to, this is outside the $scope of this project (see what I did there? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:).

Jokes aside, the issue must lay with Inquirer.js as used by yeoman/generator so this issue is probably best fitted in that repo.

ndxbxrme commented 8 years ago

hey alberto are the arrow keys only broken for the first question? if so, maybe i can add a dummy first question for windows10 users. i don't have a windows 10 computer to test on so could you try this and let me know what the output is?

git clone git@github.com:ndxbxrme/os-test.git
cd os-test
node test.js
albertonaperijr commented 8 years ago

Hi @ndxbxrme I've tried what you said. Please see attached image for the output.


ndxbxrme commented 8 years ago

hey could you give the latest version of the generator a try? (v0.19.1)

albertonaperijr commented 8 years ago

Hi @ndxbxrme Works like a charm. Thank you so much.

sanathpathiraja commented 8 years ago

Still have issue. Can't select java script using arrow key

ndxbxrme commented 8 years ago

hi Sanath are you using windows 10? what have you tried so far?

sanathpathiraja commented 8 years ago

I'm using windows 8.1. Also I try to use http://cmder.net/ .But still have issue sedcwaed