ne0bot / telegram-sender-adapter

A simple adapter exposing actions to Telegram notfications through the Mozilla IoT Gateway.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
1 stars 5 forks source link

Please add basic how to steps to issue token etc #2

Open rzr opened 5 years ago

rzr commented 5 years ago

With basic instructions this service would get more adoption

webdizz commented 5 years ago

I followed this url to get add-on configured, however still cannot figure out how it is going to send notifications and what type of notifications... for sure there is some basic usage guide is required

webdizz commented 5 years ago

I followed this url to get add-on configured, however still cannot figure out how it is going to send notifications and what type of notifications... for sure there is some basic usage guide is required

actually just got a notification, it is working based on rules e.g. there is a need to define rule for the event which will send a notification if fired.