ne1s0n / MTGOsc

MTGO applied to Single Cell analysis
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Openjdk is not fine #1

Open Laurent2873 opened 4 years ago

Laurent2873 commented 4 years ago


Could someone please help with how to fix this error with MTGOsc. openjdk version "11.0.1" 2018-10-16 LTS is installed on MacOS.

call.MTGO(outfolder = new.path, verbose = TRUE) Error in call.MTGO(outfolder = new.path, verbose = TRUE) : Java(TM) Runtime Environment version 1.8 or more recent is required to run MTGO.

Openjdk is not fine, you need to install the original one from Oracle. In addition: Warning message: In : NAs introduced by coercion


Danila145 commented 3 years ago

Hi Laurent 2873, I'm the developer of MTGO, I suggest you to download MTGO directly from Here you can found the manual with the instructions and the directory "Sample" with files of example to execute MTGO! I hope you can solve your problem! Let me know! Sorry for the late! I will answer soon to your next question! Good luck!