nea / vertx-mod-cassandra-persistor

A Vert.x Module to query a Cassandra cluster
Apache License 2.0
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Running in multi-threaded mode can cause InvalidTypeException #7

Closed lbredeso closed 9 years ago

lbredeso commented 9 years ago

When the default value of "multi-threaded": true is left as-is in the included mod.json file, the below code leads to an InvalidTypeException from the datastax driver. The code example is in Groovy, though I would guess it could be reproduced in Java as well:

vertx.eventBus.send("cassandra", [
  "action"   : "prepared",
  "statement": "INSERT INTO keyspace.table1(string1, string2, timestamp1) VALUES(?, ?, ?)",
  "values"   : [
    ["foo", "bar", "2014-09-26 03:04:40-0500"]
vertx.eventBus.send("cassandra", [
  "action"   : "prepared",
  "statement": "INSERT INTO keyspace.table2(string1, string2, timestamp1) VALUES(?, ?, ?)",
  "values"   : [
    ["foo", "bar", "2014-09-26 03:04:40-0500"]

Here is the stacktrace that sometimes occurs:

[Cassandra Persistor] Invalid type for value 2 of CQL type timestamp, expecting class java.util.Date but class java.lang.String provided
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidTypeException: Invalid type for value 2 of CQL type timestamp, expecting class java.util.Date but class java.lang.String provided
    at com.datastax.driver.core.BoundStatement.bind(
    at com.insanitydesign.vertx.CassandraPersistor.prepared(
    at com.insanitydesign.vertx.CassandraPersistor.handle(
    at com.insanitydesign.vertx.CassandraPersistor.handle(
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

When I directly include this mod in my project's mods folder and remove the "multi-threaded": true line, I am then unable to reproduce the issue and everything works as expected.

Any ideas what may be going on here? I can create a pull request with the line omitted, but thought it'd be better to bring it to your attention first.

nea commented 9 years ago

Hi there

Oh damn. I actually wanted the module to be multi-threaded safe, but it seems I messed up there a bit. I have to check this out and will try to fix it as soon as possible. If I really cannot get around, I would have to make it non multi-threaded as fallback. Thanks for the checking already ^^

Thanks a lot

nea commented 9 years ago

Please check the newest version 0.4.1