nealey / vail

Internet morse code (cw) repeater
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Optional Noise #54

Open nealey opened 2 years ago

nealey commented 2 years ago

Users have requested the ability to make it noisier.

The type of noise they want is very specific, though. They want to, as faithfully as possible, mimic the noise you would get when using a narrow band-pass filter on an actual radio transmission.

There are examples of different types of noise on YouTube with the search term "QSO". Specifically, what I think would be helpful is to have sliders where you can go from none to full on the following types of noise:

nealey commented 1 year ago

What you get, for the time being, is two white noise generators, each with a bandpass filter driven by an oscillator. One is centered around 400Hz with a duty cycle of 0.07Hz, the other is centered around 1600Hz with a duty cycle of 0.03Hz. There's a volume slide for the whole works.

nealey commented 1 year ago

Jason suggested it would be better if the noise gain went up and down. Should be a matter of just hooking an oscillator up to it, right? But I can't get that working right.

Writing this down because I may not have time to look at this again for a while.