neanes / neanes

Neanes is a free and open source scorewriter for notating Byzantine chant in Byzantine notation.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Characters not appearing/being placed #31

Closed LeSniffa closed 1 year ago

LeSniffa commented 1 year ago
  1. Characters of quality like the omalon and antikenoma cannot be moved with the positioning option.
  2. Not sure if this is a bug or intended but not all fthores and/or characters of quality work with every neume. For example the kliton, zygos, spathi, omalon and heteron.
danielgarthur commented 1 year ago
  1. Right now, only the heteron position can be changed. The short version is that Chrome uses an older rendering engine when printing, so while you could change the position in the app, it would be in the default position when printing. There are ways to code around this, but Chrome is slated to release LayoutNG printing as part of Chrome 108 at the end of this month. Once that happens, I'll update Neanes to use the new Electron/Chrome version and this issue should be resolved. Electron may take a while to upgrade the version that Chrome uses. They usually lag behind a few weeks.
  2. There are restrictions on some neumes to prevent combinations that are not allowed. For example, the spathi can only be placed on a Ke. The omalon cannot pair with a petaste, etc. If there's a combination that you think should be allowed, let me know.
LeSniffa commented 1 year ago

The combination I wanted was the oligon with the kentemata on top and an omalon at the bottom connecting it to the next neume. No other combinations come to mind at this time.

danielgarthur commented 1 year ago

I'm under the impression that kentimata cannot accept the omalon. The only quality character it can accept is the heteron. Have you seen an example of this in a published book?

LeSniffa commented 1 year ago

From what I know and from what my music theory book says, there arent any restrictions on what characters cant accept an omalon. image

danielgarthur commented 1 year ago

I've never seen that combination before. I spent some time looking through some theory books. I found several sources saying that the kentimata can only accept the gorgon. But I wanted to find the more particular case of kentimata above an oligon. I eventually found this in Κρηπίς Στεφάνου Λαμπαδαρίου:


Translated the last paragraph says

"If the kentemata is above the oligon, then it accepts neither the omalon, nor the antikenoma, nor the argon. It accepts only the psefiston below the oligon, as previously mentioned."

This is from a classical theory book from the 19th century, and I know that later books do not always follow the classic orthographic rules. So I would like to learn more about this particular case to determine if it makes sense to allow it.

What book or books have you seen this in? Which hymns and who are the composers?

LeSniffa commented 1 year ago

When it comes to theory books the one I have is "Μέθοδος Βυζαντινής Εκκλησιαστικής Μουσικής" by Διονύσιος Ηλιόπουλος. In chapter 10 in which he talks about characters of quality, when talking about the omalon he says: image_2022-11-18_213625459

The examples I will mention come from one book by Ντούζγος which contains a collection of hymns used in the Divine Liturgy, whiten by various composers. Specifically I would like to present examples from pieces composed by:

  1. Χαρίλαος Ταλιαδωρος image_2022-11-18_214706750 image image image

  2. Αθανάσιος Καραμάνης image image_2022-11-18_220435994 image

Also I have a few examples from a book with liturgical hymns written by Χρύσανθος Θεοδοσόπουλος image image

Not sure if those examples are enough, but these are the ones that came to mind. I can look through some more books if you want, even though I don't have many.

PsaltyDog commented 1 year ago

@danielgarthur, what do you think about having an option to allow non-classical orthography? That way everybody still gets the advantage of an extra check of their orthography, but anyone who wants to, or who's transcribing from a non-classical source, or writing out non-psaltic music in psaltic notation, can still access any combination they need.

danielgarthur commented 1 year ago

When it comes to theory books the one I have is "Μέθοδος Βυζαντινής Εκκλησιαστικής Μουσικής" by Διονύσιος Ηλιόπουλος. In chapter 10 in which he talks about characters of quality, when talking about the omalon he says: image_2022-11-18_213625459

The examples I will mention come from one book by Ντούζγος which contains a collection of hymns used in the Divine Liturgy, whiten by various composers. Specifically I would like to present examples from pieces composed by:

  1. Χαρίλαος Ταλιαδωρος image_2022-11-18_214706750 image image image
  2. Αθανάσιος Καραμάνης image image_2022-11-18_220435994 image

Also I have a few examples from a book with liturgical hymns written by Χρύσανθος Θεοδοσόπουλος image image

Not sure if those examples are enough, but these are the ones that came to mind. I can look through some more books if you want, even though I don't have many.

I've added this combination to the latest release.