neanes / neanes

Neanes is a free and open source scorewriter for notating Byzantine chant in Byzantine notation.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Page numbers not appearing #556

Closed mattsmi closed 2 months ago

mattsmi commented 2 months ago

This bug was found in 0.4.17

Describe the bug After ticking/checking Include Footer and ensuring that First Page Number is set to 1, I expect the page number to appear in the footer. There appears to be no menu choice that would otherwise insert the page number.

To Reproduce Choose to include a footer, and ensure that the First Page Number value is a valid value.

Expected behaviour Expected page number to appear in the footer.

neobabis commented 2 months ago

Read the GUIDE here 'To insert a page number in the header/footer, type $p. When the document is printed, the token $p will be replaced with the correct page number in the header/footer of each page.'

mattsmi commented 2 months ago
  1. Thank you! I looked everywhere and searched within the Guide, but could not find any information.
  2. However, Inserting a Footer, and then typing $p into the footer in either a LTR document or a RTL document gave no page number when exporting to PDF.
  3. When I try File, Print — in case the functionality is only available under Print instead of Exporting as PDF — NEANES just disappears silently.

It seems like there is still a bug in the functionality somewhere.

danielgarthur commented 2 months ago

What I'm seeing is that if you try to export while the footer text box is selected, and hence $p is visible, then the resulting PDF contains $p instead of the page number.


But if I first click another element, so that the $p turns into a page number in Neanes, then export, the page number appears.


So that would indeed be a minor bug. Is this what you are seeing?

mattsmi commented 2 months ago

Yes. At least there is a simple work-around. Thanks, Daniel. I'm sorry I did not try to click elsewhere.

NB When typing $p into an RTL document, the result is p$, but clicking into the score still resolves it to the page number. I think that this is to be expected. Am noting it, in case anyone remarks on this behaviour.

danielgarthur commented 2 months ago

Fixed in 0.4.18.