neanes / neanes

Neanes is a free and open source scorewriter for notating Byzantine chant in Byzantine notation.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Downward attraction in descending scale showing doubling of the attraction/flattening effect #606

Open mattsmi opened 1 month ago

mattsmi commented 1 month ago

This bug was found in

Describe the bug See attached exercise (Exercise 2.4 from Basilios Psilacos, Byzantine Ecclesiastical Music, 2nd ed.). After the Ni' (second martyria), there is an ison and then an apostrophos. The apostrophos flattens the Ke, but the next ison also seems to flatten the Ke. An ison should always be the same pitch as the previous note.

Screenshots or files If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. You may also upload a byz or byzx file, but you must first zip it and upload the zip file.

Desktop Version (please complete the following information, if applicable):


danielgarthur commented 1 month ago

This is related to #213 and should probably be fixed at the same time.