neanes / neanes

Neanes is a free and open source scorewriter for notating Byzantine chant in Byzantine notation.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Improve usability of Fthora Note feature #664

Open basil opened 3 weeks ago

basil commented 3 weeks ago

The Fthora Note feature is to help the software disambiguate between scale change cases that are notated in the same manner. This informs various aspects of layout, such as martyria calculation and note indicator calculation; it also informs various aspects of playback.

The confusion comes from the fact that in Byzantine notation, note indicators express a similar concept (disambiguation of scale changes that are notated in the same manner, as well as clarification of the transposed note in unexpected cases, like pitch upheavals). So users are generally thinking about how to express this concept in the mechanism broadly disseminated by Byzantine notation, not necessarily the mechanism narrowly disseminated by this specific software. As a result, users attempt to interact with the Fthora Note feature with the semantics of calculated Note Indicators, rather than the semantics defined by the software, leading to confusion.

At the very minimum, it might help to clarify in the documentation what user-visible features Fthora Note affects:

Another potential usability improvement is to label the Fthora Note choice something like 'Vou/Zo' and 'Ga/Ni' rather than just 'Vou' or 'Ga', since it is annoying to have to remember the pitch structure of the mode as a user clicking through the dialog box.

There may be further usability improvements that I haven't thought of.