neanias / everforest-nvim

A Lua port of the Everforest colour scheme
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How can I change the style of the highlights? #16

Closed neuromaancer closed 8 months ago

neuromaancer commented 8 months ago

I'd like to change some highlights style by overriding them, I have tried to put style = "bold in the highlights group, but it didn't work. After looking at the source code, I guess it might be stylings instead of style like below:

 config = function()
                on_highlights = function(hl, palette)
                    hl.Boolean = { stylings = { "bold" } }
                    hl.Number = { stylings = { "bold" } }
                    hl.String = { stylings = { "bold" } }
                    hl.Function = { stylings = { "bold" } }
                    hl.Conditional = { stylings = { "bold" } }

But it didn't work either, so how can I change the style?

neanias commented 8 months ago

Hi there! The source code may be a bit misleading as I've added convenience methods for definitions. For your particular example, you need to use bold = true, like so:

        config = function()
                on_highlights = function(hl, palette)
                    hl.Boolean = { fg = palette.purple, bg = palette.none, bold = true }
                    hl.Number = { fg = palette.purple, bg = palette.none, bold = true }
                    hl.String = { fg =, bg = palette.none, bold = true }
                    hl.Function = { fg =, bg = palette.none, bold = true }
                    -- NOTE: Conditional has an optional italics styling, so if you have
                    -- `italics` set to `true` in setup, then you'll want to add
                    -- `italic = true` to this table.
                    hl.Conditional = { fg =, bg = palette.none, bold = true }

Noteworthy here is that you need to have the existing colours (purple fg & empty bg) since the definitions in on_highlights will override the default definitions. If you want to add an extra styling, you need to add them to the current colours. If you want other special styles (e.g. italic, undercurl etc.), you can add them with italic = true, undercurl = true.

I'll update the README to make this clearer.

neuromaancer commented 8 months ago

Thank you for your info! It didn't appear any errors now, but I think in this way, no effect is taken? Below is my full configuration with LazyVim distro:

return {
        opts = {
            colorscheme = "everforest",
    -- everforest
        version = false,
        lazy = true,
        opts = {
            background = "soft",
            enable_italic = true,
            show_eob = true,
            diagnostic_text_highlight = true,
        config = function()
                on_highlights = function(hl, palette)
                    hl.Boolean = { fg = palette.purple, bg = palette.none, bold = true }
                    hl.Number = { fg = palette.purple, bg = palette.none, bold = true }
                    hl.String = { fg =, bg = palette.none, italic = true }
                    hl.Function = { fg =, bg = palette.none, bold = true }
                    -- NOTE: Conditional has an optional italics styling, so if you have
                    -- `italics` set to `true` in setup, then you'll want to add
                    -- `italic = true` to this table.
                    hl.Conditional = { fg =, bg = palette.none, italic = true }
neanias commented 8 months ago

If there are no errors, it should be working 😅 A quick note to say that in everforest-nvim, the setup option for italics is italics = true, not enable_italic = true. You can simplify your configuration by putting all the options in opts:

return {
        opts = {
            colorscheme = "everforest",
    -- everforest
        version = false,
        lazy = true,
        opts = {
            background = "soft",
            italics = true,
            show_eob = true,
            diagnostic_text_highlight = true,
            on_highlights = function(hl, palette)
                hl.Boolean = { fg = palette.purple, bg = palette.none, bold = true }
                hl.Number = { fg = palette.purple, bg = palette.none, bold = true }
                hl.String = { fg =, bg = palette.none, italic = true }
                hl.Function = { fg =, bg = palette.none, bold = true }
                -- NOTE: Conditional has an optional italics styling, so if you have
                -- `italics` set to `true` in setup, then you'll want to add
                -- `italic = true` to this table.
                hl.Conditional = { fg =, bg = palette.none, italic = true }
neuromaancer commented 8 months ago

Oh, yes. However, it still didn't take the effect. For example, if I put hl.String = { fg =, bg = palette.none, italic = true }, so "neanias/everforest-nvim" would be italic, but it shows the normal style. Can you replicate this?

neanias commented 8 months ago

Hmm, let me have a look...

neuromaancer commented 8 months ago

Please let me know if you need any help! I would also contribute to this repo for the README part, at least after this issue. 😸

neanias commented 8 months ago

Ah, I see what this might be. The way that syntax highlighting is set up in this plugin is largely through links, so @string links to TSString which doesn't link to String, but to a colour similar to String (Aqua). This is by design. If you want to change the colours for Treesitter strings, you may wish to override either @string or TSString:

return {
        opts = {
            colorscheme = "everforest",
    -- everforest
        version = false,
        lazy = true,
        opts = {
            background = "soft",
            italics = true,
            show_eob = true,
            diagnostic_text_highlight = true,
            on_highlights = function(hl, _)
                -- All of these highlights are linked to their non-bold equivalents by default.
                hl.TSBoolean = { link = "PurpleBold" }
                hl.TSNumber = { link = "PurpleBold" }
                hl.TSString = { link = "AquaBold" }
                hl.TSFunction = { link = "GreenBold" }
                hl.TSConditional = { link = "RedItalic" }
neanias commented 8 months ago

(If you want to change @string etc., you'll need to replace hl.TSString = { link = "AquaBold" } with hl["@string"] = { link = "AquaBold" } and so on)

neuromaancer commented 8 months ago

But still doesn't work...

                on_highlights = function(hl, palette)
                    hl.TSBoolean = { link = "PurpleBold" }
                    hl.Number = { link = "PurpleBold" }
                    hl["@string"] = { link = "AquaItalic" }
                    hl.TSString = { link = "AquaItalic" }
                    hl.Function = { link = "GreenBold" }
                    hl.TSConditional = { link = "RedItalic" }
neanias commented 8 months ago

Hmm, it works for me... Maybe try this configuration?

return {
    opts = {
      colorscheme = "everforest",
  -- everforest
    version = false,
    lazy = true,
    config = function()
        background = "soft",
        italics = true,
        show_eob = true,
        diagnostic_text_highlight = true,
        on_highlights = function(hl, _)
          hl.TSBoolean = { link = "PurpleBold" }
          hl.TSNumber = { link = "PurpleBold" }
          hl.TSString = { link = "AquaItalic" }
          hl.TSFunction = { link = "GreenBold" }
          hl.TSConditional = { link = "RedItalic" }
neanias commented 8 months ago

Oh, actually, you'll also want everforest to not be lazy loaded: lazy = false

neuromaancer commented 8 months ago

Okay, it works now! I think the issue is that I put the options in opts, it doesn't take those options into account. It is strange to me, actually. lazy.nvim should correctly import those options.

neanias commented 8 months ago

No idea why! One for Folke...