neanias / everforest-nvim

A Lua port of the Everforest colour scheme
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Weird border with Lspsaga diagnostic_jump_next() and Lspsaga diagnostic_jump_prev() #3

Closed limitLiu closed 1 year ago

limitLiu commented 1 year ago

First of all, thank you for revamping this theme.


When I use the current theme, there is an underline under the border. This issue does not occur when I use other themes.

NeoVim Version

Neovim 0.9


macOS 13.3.1

As described.

20230514-215357@2x image
neanias commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback! I've noticed this on my own setup too. Which theme is the bottom screenshot?

limitLiu commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback! I've noticed this on my own setup too. Which theme is the bottom screenshot?

Hello, the theme of the bottom screenshot is catppuccin.

neanias commented 1 year ago

I've found what the issue is: Lspsaga uses the Diagnostic text highlights (DiagnosticError, DiagnosticWarn, etc.) for the border when diagnostic.border_follow is set to true (the default). In Everforest, these text highlights all have undercurls. There's 2 options, really:

  1. Set diagnostic.border_follow to be false in your Lspsaga configuration, or
  2. The Diagnostic text highlights are changed to remove the undercurl or are disconnected from the {Error,Warning,Info,Hint}Text highlights.

I've had a look at Catppuccin and Tokyo Night and both of them have independent Diagnostic highlights that don't link to other highlights, so it might be worth breaking from the main Everforest theme in this instance.

neanias commented 1 year ago

I've done some more reading and found the maintainers of Sonokai were also reported this problem and recommended the diagnostic.border_follow = false fix over changing the actual colourscheme to accommodate one plugin, which I agree with. See for further info.

limitLiu commented 1 year ago

I've done some more reading and found the maintainers of Sonokai were also reported this problem and recommended the diagnostic.border_follow = false fix over changing the actual colourscheme to accommodate one plugin, which I agree with. See sainnhe/sonokai#87 for further info.

Yeah, I think u are right.

neanias commented 1 year ago

Hi, as an update to this one. If you want to override the highlight groups that Lspsaga uses, you can now do so using the on_highlights config option!

limitLiu commented 1 year ago

Hi, as an update to this one. If you want to override the highlight groups that Lspsaga uses, you can now do so using the on_highlights config option!

Thank u for your updates and reply.