near-daos / sputnik-dao-contract

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test tests.yml #152

Closed TrevorJTClarke closed 2 years ago

ctindogaru commented 2 years ago

Hey Trevor, is this to be merged?

TrevorJTClarke commented 2 years ago

Hey Trevor, is this to be merged?

Im trying to narrow down why the ci/cd is failing - when everything runs locally and is fine, the ava tests have issues

ctindogaru commented 2 years ago

Where do you see them failing?

You get message: 'Can not sign transactions for account test.near on network sandbox, no matching key pair found in InMemorySigner(UnencryptedFileSystemKeyStore(/tmp/sandbox/b7a63273-5c84-400a-ab6f-340ab73c294b)).', error from time to time if you push too many commits in a short time, but other than that they pass pretty much every time.

TrevorJTClarke commented 2 years ago

@ctindogaru yes thats the exact error. Is it fixable? Kinda shitty that it fails sometimes because.... shrug?

ctindogaru commented 2 years ago

Yeah, it's shitty, I usually restart the job if it happens.

For me, it happens even locally (pretty frequent). It might be a problem with the near ava testing framework.

TrevorJTClarke commented 2 years ago

Got it - well im going to play with a couple ideas, and then i'll know what the issue is here.

ctindogaru commented 2 years ago

Fingers crossed. 🤞

TrevorJTClarke commented 2 years ago

hehe exactly 📦

TrevorJTClarke commented 2 years ago

welllllll that worked :D