near-daos / sputnik-dao-contract

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`UpgradeRemote` on workspace-rs sandbox seems to behave unexpectedly #194

Open hskang9 opened 1 year ago

hskang9 commented 1 year ago

I was using workspace-rs to test upgrade on Aurora engine with Sputnik DAO council operation.

However, I don't see change after finalizing proposal. I thought it was because fast_forward issue, but it still did not show previous version after UpgradeRemote proposal finalization. Is there something that I have overlooked?


    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 4.83s
     Running `target/debug/aurora-workspace-demo`
Aurora version before upgrade: "2.7.0\n"
Deploying Spunik DAO factory contract
Contract Id: dao-factory.test.near
ExecutionFinalResult { total_gas_burnt: 41599424589042, transaction: ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `GBXERVJeFJtTkqecPGr8HoE3bstRrpkfWUvR6DeeTAfb`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [`HN4vPCCP37EH6foqx4shic3hghuUgSc6exrEy4aGAdQ6`], gas_burnt: 2427927707802, tokens_burnt: 242792770780200000000, executor_id: AccountId("dao-factory.test.near"), status: SuccessReceiptId(HN4vPCCP37EH6foqx4shic3hghuUgSc6exrEy4aGAdQ6) }, receipts: [ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `GBXERVJeFJtTkqecPGr8HoE3bstRrpkfWUvR6DeeTAfb`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [`Ac636HfDVuNoahHGUMrbkcTgbXjrci9eoQvZhDzwGEo1`], gas_burnt: 38948314318740, tokens_burnt: 3894831431874000000000, executor_id: AccountId("dao-factory.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(``) }, ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `GpXSNkPBtUBPzgTASc6nEmG8Hh6YALhEsN7jjQV1ktdh`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [], gas_burnt: 223182562500, tokens_burnt: 0, executor_id: AccountId("dao-factory.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(``) }], status: SuccessValue(``) }
Creating new DAO
ExecutionFinalResult { total_gas_burnt: 66449448709650, transaction: ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `4rYt5U3aYRbPA5bXfQK7MBdWk1oBW4pVw597NNHAQhcW`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [`4qfKS5z2ksk1K4ApAjLJypDZmeRT4m5q8gNSbYE4Ny36`], gas_burnt: 2428388310206, tokens_burnt: 242838831020600000000, executor_id: AccountId("dao-factory.test.near"), status: SuccessReceiptId(4qfKS5z2ksk1K4ApAjLJypDZmeRT4m5q8gNSbYE4Ny36) }, receipts: [ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `4rYt5U3aYRbPA5bXfQK7MBdWk1oBW4pVw597NNHAQhcW`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [`4duHUC9fkHC8aZctPXyiD2ETWcxxsSoBCkXGQfCBfvTb`, `s9Cg9bYQzZbN2wu4GUpyGS1VTKUFfUqpaUiqpymnmF4`, `AuJP3Sj1HMopLaP5HmAvKRZazCjX5zdJBFMm2VAKu1u4`], gas_burnt: 22006185817020, tokens_burnt: 2200618581702000000000, executor_id: AccountId("dao-factory.test.near"), status: SuccessReceiptId(4duHUC9fkHC8aZctPXyiD2ETWcxxsSoBCkXGQfCBfvTb) }, ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `FhM2AbiQhLXtNTrDzqohSGaC3PSVsDBLCGV78b72H6eE`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [`Hc8DwUjtYQm7HEBHU9QaZr44AHBkdTdZR5D7W5vCetsk`], gas_burnt: 38130957568883, tokens_burnt: 3813095756888300000000, executor_id: AccountId("aurora-dao.dao-factory.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(``) }, ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `2zmxaNB2Ku8NRjRWZwQ8rNyBUEMWymCk5L49VMRoLNQo`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [], gas_burnt: 223182562500, tokens_burnt: 0, executor_id: AccountId("dao-factory.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(``) }, ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `2zmxaNB2Ku8NRjRWZwQ8rNyBUEMWymCk5L49VMRoLNQo`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [`rX3wkBhY8SBaPjejea7WVLvdq8m1tkNqBMJm9479c9H`], gas_burnt: 3214369326041, tokens_burnt: 321436932604100000000, executor_id: AccountId("dao-factory.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(`true`) }, ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `9CddhwnBVa6w9rEXnGX4z3aBGWXBsVrKtWC3TdnB67Hv`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [], gas_burnt: 223182562500, tokens_burnt: 0, executor_id: AccountId("dao-factory.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(``) }, ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `FhM2AbiQhLXtNTrDzqohSGaC3PSVsDBLCGV78b72H6eE`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [], gas_burnt: 223182562500, tokens_burnt: 0, executor_id: AccountId("dao-factory.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(``) }], status: SuccessValue(``) }
Aurora DAO ID: aurora-dao.dao-factory.test.near
ViewResultDetails { result: [123, 34, 114, 111, 108, 101, 115, 34, 58, 91, 123, 34, 110, 97, 109, 101, 34, 58, 34, 97, 108, 108, 34, 44, 34, 107, 105, 110, 100, 34, 58, 34, 69, 118, 101, 114, 121, 111, 110, 101, 34, 44, 34, 112, 101, 114, 109, 105, 115, 115, 105, 111, 110, 115, 34, 58, 91, 34, 42, 58, 65, 100, 100, 80, 114, 111, 112, 111, 115, 97, 108, 34, 93, 44, 34, 118, 111, 116, 101, 95, 112, 111, 108, 105, 99, 121, 34, 58, 123, 125, 125, 44, 123, 34, 110, 97, 109, 101, 34, 58, 34, 99, 111, 117, 110, 99, 105, 108, 34, 44, 34, 107, 105, 110, 100, 34, 58, 123, 34, 71, 114, 111, 117, 112, 34, 58, 91, 34, 98, 111, 98, 46, 116, 101, 115, 116, 46, 110, 101, 97, 114, 34, 44, 34, 97, 108, 105, 99, 101, 46, 116, 101, 115, 116, 46, 110, 101, 97, 114, 34, 93, 125, 44, 34, 112, 101, 114, 109, 105, 115, 115, 105, 111, 110, 115, 34, 58, 91, 34, 42, 58, 70, 105, 110, 97, 108, 105, 122, 101, 34, 44, 34, 42, 58, 65, 100, 100, 80, 114, 111, 112, 111, 115, 97, 108, 34, 44, 34, 42, 58, 86, 111, 116, 101, 65, 112, 112, 114, 111, 118, 101, 34, 44, 34, 42, 58, 86, 111, 116, 101, 82, 101, 106, 101, 99, 116, 34, 44, 34, 42, 58, 86, 111, 116, 101, 82, 101, 109, 111, 118, 101, 34, 93, 44, 34, 118, 111, 116, 101, 95, 112, 111, 108, 105, 99, 121, 34, 58, 123, 125, 125, 93, 44, 34, 100, 101, 102, 97, 117, 108, 116, 95, 118, 111, 116, 101, 95, 112, 111, 108, 105, 99, 121, 34, 58, 123, 34, 119, 101, 105, 103, 104, 116, 95, 107, 105, 110, 100, 34, 58, 34, 82, 111, 108, 101, 87, 101, 105, 103, 104, 116, 34, 44, 34, 113, 117, 111, 114, 117, 109, 34, 58, 34, 48, 34, 44, 34, 116, 104, 114, 101, 115, 104, 111, 108, 100, 34, 58, 91, 49, 44, 50, 93, 125, 44, 34, 112, 114, 111, 112, 111, 115, 97, 108, 95, 98, 111, 110, 100, 34, 58, 34, 49, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 34, 44, 34, 112, 114, 111, 112, 111, 115, 97, 108, 95, 112, 101, 114, 105, 111, 100, 34, 58, 34, 54, 48, 52, 56, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 34, 44, 34, 98, 111, 117, 110, 116, 121, 95, 98, 111, 110, 100, 34, 58, 34, 49, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 34, 44, 34, 98, 111, 117, 110, 116, 121, 95, 102, 111, 114, 103, 105, 118, 101, 110, 101, 115, 115, 95, 112, 101, 114, 105, 111, 100, 34, 58, 34, 56, 54, 52, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 34, 125], logs: [] }
ExecutionFinalResult { total_gas_burnt: 77895841490899, transaction: ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `3MH7t1jJUtWzR29TaCuvJ9wn3gzQBz36BZHeGFHAXS19`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [`4MdfykhNdJxeqhE3uxqn85E8mFgWJY7Hv33sHjScKoXB`], gas_burnt: 4550005712588, tokens_burnt: 455000571258800000000, executor_id: AccountId("bob.test.near"), status: SuccessReceiptId(4MdfykhNdJxeqhE3uxqn85E8mFgWJY7Hv33sHjScKoXB) }, receipts: [ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `Ggw25BjxfThmz2ApKcoqKG5RxcvA4u2v8uN7ZkiRij2u`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [`ActeSBGLW6zy9HhaPpmCDbqM1ufTfT4sbwW9AP2zRapS`], gas_burnt: 73122653215811, tokens_burnt: 7312265321581100000000, executor_id: AccountId("aurora-dao.dao-factory.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(`"G4bJiWEnJsktaLueP7ri5sh3VhJBr3L1YjtYvKuCwLSC"`) }, ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `BdyXSYkP74AgaCuG8h2WYwNmGe3kGtjWZJkT1hFsjbYF`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [], gas_burnt: 223182562500, tokens_burnt: 0, executor_id: AccountId("bob.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(``) }], status: SuccessValue(`"G4bJiWEnJsktaLueP7ri5sh3VhJBr3L1YjtYvKuCwLSC"`) }
Add Proposal
ExecutionFinalResult { total_gas_burnt: 5987209799925, transaction: ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `5BX2KJw1k8EeriXr6mUtsi4eXSzawHZRDNq2zfnGoWPM`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [`FURvk1z7TZsndFTVjcTwrgbc8TMhiUFXsq2JHQHVk8s3`], gas_burnt: 2428430792952, tokens_burnt: 242843079295200000000, executor_id: AccountId("bob.test.near"), status: SuccessReceiptId(FURvk1z7TZsndFTVjcTwrgbc8TMhiUFXsq2JHQHVk8s3) }, receipts: [ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `363eDMWRsVMVAP6VJsscr72tghLAmHc8innQFothhFZr`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [`Gb9nzeDUF7fwWDfcnh8RRsE5moRS8rwZ1HAPRs8r5rbf`], gas_burnt: 3335596444473, tokens_burnt: 333559644447300000000, executor_id: AccountId("aurora-dao.dao-factory.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(`0`) }, ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `HphXTPgnJCUr6A51EaDuqRGALGAMjEBaTLmhMMKpfoPd`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [], gas_burnt: 223182562500, tokens_burnt: 0, executor_id: AccountId("bob.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(``) }], status: SuccessValue(`0`) }
Approve Proposal
ExecutionFinalResult { total_gas_burnt: 6198315128167, transaction: ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `DvCN1wYtnToWSdy2RTaA2ex1s57XLV5Pi33q89F1JDYz`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [`DELJ9AqoCKVY1EqSGyMPwh47jdLaQwvHDUZRTAkwo9rM`], gas_burnt: 2428039504502, tokens_burnt: 242803950450200000000, executor_id: AccountId("bob.test.near"), status: SuccessReceiptId(DELJ9AqoCKVY1EqSGyMPwh47jdLaQwvHDUZRTAkwo9rM) }, receipts: [ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `9q4BfDkUgBcAXF1rHAMNqEcNRLCdBCeEmgq5qLqaoAxA`, logs: ["Memo: "], receipt_ids: [`45ux7iEDM3wpYeknazc7L7Xa5XXNW5LfcBxcE45aSzd6`], gas_burnt: 3547093061165, tokens_burnt: 354709306116500000000, executor_id: AccountId("aurora-dao.dao-factory.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(``) }, ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `HL6ZcCY8FUB5fVXZ3Xf5SxvY8pTnmZwiV7NwZd5BoHQo`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [], gas_burnt: 223182562500, tokens_burnt: 0, executor_id: AccountId("bob.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(``) }], status: SuccessValue(``) }
ExecutionFinalResult { total_gas_burnt: 33967594719313, transaction: ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `8ZfqkGKN7SHKK3znWCMRFtqDWqgKNYkePfjJCXzGmtTL`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [`9kJErsQVaypmZ9TWSrk1bh1AEfT2rNc5Y8RgzHkTBU1f`], gas_burnt: 2428039504502, tokens_burnt: 242803950450200000000, executor_id: AccountId("alice.test.near"), status: SuccessReceiptId(9kJErsQVaypmZ9TWSrk1bh1AEfT2rNc5Y8RgzHkTBU1f) }, receipts: [ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `BFEaXS2atbfJ7TPnVZVtfyQpXrHN94mcEuLyrWGJWKgV`, logs: ["Memo: "], receipt_ids: [`Hgm4EeZrf7eBPFsXmGPNp7GoMKnqotLYLZ21XMF39ou`, `K1VgaDuVednVvQ5Z2c9FZk6dV7ThKjbvxybDiFJ1HWb`, `7tgwUUgYepFwabUHiNWpiMiwMVMmuN1NSSQYNXcN7ZLJ`], gas_burnt: 25651496269157, tokens_burnt: 2565149626915700000000, executor_id: AccountId("aurora-dao.dao-factory.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(``) }, ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `9fhLxXywCFQ3KYGhoNSeS3aUzibGgjzRdXXWLRAKVov6`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [`EXbm8XwrSYgyFFZF12b15YR9TqPPYznshsuaR5WzDb92`], gas_burnt: 4995328695654, tokens_burnt: 499532869565400000000, executor_id: AccountId("aurora.test.near"), status: Failure(ActionError(ActionError { index: Some(0), kind: FunctionCallError(ExecutionError("Smart contract panicked: ERR_NOT_ALLOWED")) })) }, ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `Gv89forEdWL9L7hJhgVbVw78MmiPCy59ZWFvhasFHRnM`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [], gas_burnt: 223182562500, tokens_burnt: 0, executor_id: AccountId("alice.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(``) }, ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `9fhLxXywCFQ3KYGhoNSeS3aUzibGgjzRdXXWLRAKVov6`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [`B5wE4KSQPf3oriJsmmtUtDnt3D6CbBvJfRuvPeVrViLi`], gas_burnt: 223182562500, tokens_burnt: 22318256250000000000, executor_id: AccountId("bob.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(``) }, ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `Gv89forEdWL9L7hJhgVbVw78MmiPCy59ZWFvhasFHRnM`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [], gas_burnt: 223182562500, tokens_burnt: 0, executor_id: AccountId("alice.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(``) }, ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `9fhLxXywCFQ3KYGhoNSeS3aUzibGgjzRdXXWLRAKVov6`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [], gas_burnt: 223182562500, tokens_burnt: 0, executor_id: AccountId("alice.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(``) }], status: SuccessValue(``) }
Aurora version after upgrade: 2.7.0
joshuajbouw commented 1 year ago

Shouldn't the versions have been 2.8.0 and then 2.8.1? Why 2.7.0?

hskang9 commented 1 year ago

just for checking differences, I thought middle number would be more visible.

hskang9 commented 1 year ago

It seems the error happened from Access block from Aurora engine that the sender(predecessor) is not the owner of aurora contract. However, the error occurred even after I changed the owner account for the Aurora engine contract.

@ctindogaru the upgrade remote callback shows that the sender is marked same as receiver_id, but it seems predecessor is marked different. This is weird as the transaction marks executor id as receiver id, but it does not act as the predecessor in the smart contract.

Shift owner of EVM to the new owner
EVM owner: AccountId("aurora.test.near")
Aurora DAO ID: aurora-dao.dao-factory.test.near
ExecutionFinalResult { total_gas_burnt: 77895841490899, transaction: ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `65mWGYd8NwaTvBwbAH7CyQRDiD7if9ECGWTGRQAAPNE6`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [`7zTE9B3TDru1xoRRFAgh9kVjg4kEYVQfpkXjcPtbdsq5`], gas_burnt: 4550005712588, tokens_burnt: 455000571258800000000, executor_id: AccountId("bob.test.near"), status: SuccessReceiptId(7zTE9B3TDru1xoRRFAgh9kVjg4kEYVQfpkXjcPtbdsq5) }, receipts: [ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `APUaHPbaAJ8hcLysYBxhvs3F2q3x1QTuavRncnsAzZeN`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [`HN12Gqz8LMfrd4KZUwuXjm24RehMhJmqriHdJsZxuYhD`], gas_burnt: 73122653215811, tokens_burnt: 7312265321581100000000, executor_id: AccountId("aurora-dao.dao-factory.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(`"G4bJiWEnJsktaLueP7ri5sh3VhJBr3L1YjtYvKuCwLSC"`) }, ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `9n1TvysjRGWWKwU8jtxScZoyX9PstAYunorsuG57auoQ`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [], gas_burnt: 223182562500, tokens_burnt: 0, executor_id: AccountId("bob.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(``) }], status: SuccessValue(`"G4bJiWEnJsktaLueP7ri5sh3VhJBr3L1YjtYvKuCwLSC"`) }
Add staging upgrade Proposal
ExecutionFinalResult { total_gas_burnt: 5987154833971, transaction: ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `6mqM3aqR1MER6LYKdkhSppsagMtTszC5y3SGbLX5ch7B`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [`6r6oPBarLmhtzf9dPsZgerYm91xA2EaJm7dJZef5rsuM`], gas_burnt: 2428428557018, tokens_burnt: 242842855701800000000, executor_id: AccountId("bob.test.near"), status: SuccessReceiptId(6r6oPBarLmhtzf9dPsZgerYm91xA2EaJm7dJZef5rsuM) }, receipts: [ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `BHhmFi86uBNZQHmc9pumQuRN9nvDvT34nWHLoDBiPzTq`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [`4WaNfmk4JB997q3mhM1CpDzSKgVjUk85ha7g4yvhWRUP`], gas_burnt: 3335543714453, tokens_burnt: 333554371445300000000, executor_id: AccountId("aurora-dao.dao-factory.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(`0`) }, ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `BhGjhQzscmTte5vBZnuFfZooBc7aiGk18geMXvJmXta4`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [], gas_burnt: 223182562500, tokens_burnt: 0, executor_id: AccountId("bob.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(``) }], status: SuccessValue(`0`) }
Approve Proposal
ExecutionFinalResult { total_gas_burnt: 6198554320807, transaction: ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `BAuUBCwjwR1kTsV6oQWGW5CKqQuFu7rKjfz5JfZjWgBJ`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [`CkLFD6YognUnEhDHSETWBuVMMjqUDwJBSUy2GAHMbFoS`], gas_burnt: 2428039504502, tokens_burnt: 242803950450200000000, executor_id: AccountId("bob.test.near"), status: SuccessReceiptId(CkLFD6YognUnEhDHSETWBuVMMjqUDwJBSUy2GAHMbFoS) }, receipts: [ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `G8yLTqQjy8YnxPYDmC1fuTWtCtDSaLGUUjCFT3eoBbKx`, logs: ["Memo: "], receipt_ids: [`GuSKodzHUYAiYqouQmkMJnRrCt6KKQimDyqnpu4Nf4ot`], gas_burnt: 3547332253805, tokens_burnt: 354733225380500000000, executor_id: AccountId("aurora-dao.dao-factory.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(``) }, ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `Hwwk3FdJrxeDSvMwJy5RprzbvWTFiC73xLBr9PoiJMur`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [], gas_burnt: 223182562500, tokens_burnt: 0, executor_id: AccountId("bob.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(``) }], status: SuccessValue(``) }
ExecutionFinalResult { total_gas_burnt: 33967791415676, transaction: ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `5dQ6mR9HS9c8Yc98s6zmwX3xV1vFBK72RgdaKPWxqxv9`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [`vuu5rGazmSvcCYQ6Jqq7bqn9VDXEuZxUkDELPgTh1Vj`], gas_burnt: 2428039504502, tokens_burnt: 242803950450200000000, executor_id: AccountId("alice.test.near"), status: SuccessReceiptId(vuu5rGazmSvcCYQ6Jqq7bqn9VDXEuZxUkDELPgTh1Vj) }, receipts: [ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `2ABMquJruwdRUpnTTm9iMPBDf6Zerh2UWLCEeW2cMzYf`, logs: ["Memo: "], receipt_ids: [`8D35mucBrNtJgRSATL1mqaa74JWsvBmdUCc3FFtYQVoG`, `GJ2UwQPXJKouG52XgpnCvzqysnwiemt1cez9sxd4psyy`, `2e3dBNiSV4nmdVPShD1J29719fSQC5j4yjro7E4vfDP9`], gas_burnt: 25651737652090, tokens_burnt: 2565173765209000000000, executor_id: AccountId("aurora-dao.dao-factory.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(``) }, **ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `CtATF3v4XnBPynehdvNVsWLDtEA9kzMBcRbnebpK4nYZ`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [`E6iSABGLBEC3anE4Hqns9xD5BFahxiCwhpzNGo4uYg1H`], gas_burnt: 4995284009084, tokens_burnt: 499528400908400000000, executor_id: AccountId("aurora.test.near"), status: Failure(ActionError(ActionError { index: Some(0), kind: FunctionCallError(ExecutionError("Smart contract panicked: ERR_NOT_ALLOWED")) })) }**, ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `43HUnava68u6uo1Paia4XkVXhPvfWXpLdCtu5mW8s4Gn`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [], gas_burnt: 223182562500, tokens_burnt: 0, executor_id: AccountId("alice.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(``) }, ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `CtATF3v4XnBPynehdvNVsWLDtEA9kzMBcRbnebpK4nYZ`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [`DW31JFCNUaLeBCCHp1E13yvQauPJWoPct4dyR3BiEsBL`], gas_burnt: 223182562500, tokens_burnt: 22318256250000000000, executor_id: AccountId("bob.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(``) }, ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `43HUnava68u6uo1Paia4XkVXhPvfWXpLdCtu5mW8s4Gn`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [], gas_burnt: 223182562500, tokens_burnt: 0, executor_id: AccountId("alice.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(``) }, ExecutionOutcome { block_hash: `CtATF3v4XnBPynehdvNVsWLDtEA9kzMBcRbnebpK4nYZ`, logs: [], receipt_ids: [], gas_burnt: 223182562500, tokens_burnt: 0, executor_id: AccountId("alice.test.near"), status: SuccessValue(``) }], status: SuccessValue(``) }
Aurora version after upgrade: 2.8.0
hskang9 commented 1 year ago

To replay this error, you can visit current aurora-dao-demo code and run cargo run.

joshuajbouw commented 1 year ago

I assume that this is not an issue of the library given my help?