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Bootstrapping native NEAR ecosystem #121

Open evgenykuzyakov opened 3 years ago

evgenykuzyakov commented 3 years ago

Bootstrapping native NEAR ecosystem

The goal is to bootstrap native NEAR ecosystem by providing core open-source components.


Currently the majority of blockchain use-cases is speculation. But at the same time it is the best use of the blockchain so far. It happens, because a blockchain is removing the middleman from the ownership of assets. Invention of fungible and non-fungible tokens on Ethereum sparked the innovation that spawned the ICO bubble and currently powering the DeFi bubble.

In Ethereum blockchain atomic transactions with rollbacks and cross-contract composability plays a big role in growing ecosystem, there are some building blocks that powers all of this. These building blocks do not require atomic transactions. These building blocks are:


I suggest to develop by NEAR team, open-source and launch the following native projects:

Developing them internally instead of providing bounties will allows us to deliver them faster and more secure. Current NEAR documentation is still not perfect and there are a lot of small implementation moments that are not well known. So reviewing of the external work may take longer time than developing it in-house. The front-end improvements may be done through bounties later.

I believe these projects will bootstrap native NEAR ecosystem by providing working tools as well as an example for team to launch their projects on NEAR. It has the following benefits:

Existing work

There are some existing work:

robert-zaremba commented 3 years ago

For FT marketplace we doing it with with the NEARswap protocol, and few other smart-contract planned for NEAR-CLP (for the moment the work is not sustainable, we will need to plan some resources).

robert-zaremba commented 3 years ago

It's worth noting, that doing a proper Automated Market Making mechanism is not simple. Eliminating Impermanent Losses and building composability is challenging task (more than simple copy-paste). That being said, a basic Uniswap-like protocol is already implemented by NEARswap.

oysterpack commented 3 years ago

@evgenykuzyakov I couldn't agree more ... This is exactly what NEAR needs to deliver on its vision for "Harness the Internet of Value - Now, everything on the internet can take on the properties of money". Bootstrapping is an understatement - I would call it turbo bursting the NEAR ecosystem. Having built in FT and NFT support would truly help NEAR deliver on its mission to be "The Builder’s fastest path to market".

We need to rally the troops and formalize a game plan to get this done.

Developing them internally instead of providing bounties will allows us to deliver them faster and more secure.

Is this on the NEAR team roadmap any time soon? If not, I would suggest the NEAR team to partner with the NEAR community through bounties. The NEP process should produce an SOW artifact with attached bounties.

That being said ... as you know I am working on the STAKE fungible token and I am currently blocked because there is no FT standard. In order for any FT based project to be truly successful, there must be a clearly defined FT standard - and even better for built in FT support as part of the NEAR core platform. After diving deeper into implementing the FT functionality, and getting involved in the NEP-122 vault based FT, I came to the realization that we are falling into the analysis paralysis trap - at least, that's how I feel ...

Thoughts on how do we escape the analysis paralysis trap and move forward from here (brain dump)