near / NEPs

The Near Enhancement Proposals repository
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NEAR Spec and standards #29

Closed ilblackdragon closed 4 years ago

ilblackdragon commented 4 years ago

Want to start discussion for where and how we are going to maintain NEAR Spec and standards.

The NEPs process is mostly around proposal to modify / add things, but we also need the final version that lists the overall specification for the protocol and also all the accepted / used standards.

My proposal, we actually rework this repository instead of been a list of proposals into maintaining the released version of Spec + all accepted standards.

E.g. if would be a combination of and

Where as NEP gets accepted it modifies the staging version of the spec and gets released with the new version. Alternatively if NEP represents new standard and doesn't require changes to protocol - it goes to the standards list.

Why standards mixed with spec? Mostly because standards end up representing a big part of the protocol itself. If you think of ERC-20 specification - it actually is a core part of the Ethereum protocol, even though doesn't live on blockchain level itself. Same thing can go for any number of other protocols.

I also think we can repurprose to serve final version of spec. That website already maintains mostly the spec details with few implementation details that we currently have in Rust client. We can split Rust specifics into the docs inside Rust repo (which currently is not pointing to anyway).

MaksymZavershynskyi commented 4 years ago

I suggest we make a separate repo for specs. NEPs is a great place to discuss all sorts of major ideas, like large rewrites, performance improvements. I would even use NEPs for discussions around the processes!

+1 For moving specs and standards into but let's not limit it to specs and standards only. Nomicon is a great place to guide through the details of the internals, which makes it easier for external people to contribute. If we foresee several versions of the implementation then let's give our implementation a code name, e.g. linear (other names for our client: bilinear, collinear, nonlinear, overnear) and have a section that talks specifically about its implementation.

lexfrl commented 4 years ago

Would be nice to have a clear discriminator for categories (layers) for specifications. For example, I'm for having specification and proposals which describe/alter consensus in a separate place from other documentation. If it's a ERC-20-like standard or a different serialization/deserialization format for contracts, or an addition of some RPC method: since it's a not altering consensus - better to keep it in a different category.

ilblackdragon commented 4 years ago

Here is my reasoning:

@nearmax I didn't understand your "linear"/"sublinear". I want to have "releases" for spec, in similar way we are planning to have releases for clients. Ideally have trains with monthly release, which also includes some tests release. This way we can say which version clients target of the spec.

lexfrl commented 4 years ago

Changes to economics may affect everyone across the board and will require massive coordination.

What we're calling "economics" - it's a part of the consensus. Сhanges in consensus are any changes which lead to a fork (validator which is not following the current consensus (e.g. running out-of-date node) will be slashed). So, the primary target audience for the consensus changes are the node operators (validators).

I don't see clear different between consensus changes and RPC changes.

RPCs can be backward-compatible, but consensus rules cant. User can even add a new RPC to his node and support it for himself only (or disable some of these). Typical node operator will likely to switch off the RPC at all.

"ERC-20"-like (we call it app-layer) proposals are user-land protocols and require user coordination, but not node operators.

ilblackdragon commented 4 years ago

Ok, here is the decision:

mfornet commented 4 years ago

It is not clear how the (structured) content of nomicon will fit in this unstructured repository. If this is supposed to be the source of truth (among other things) to implement clients we should have a clear structure that help developers going through it.

From my point of view the main feature of this repository was the discussion around new proposals before accepting them, but then we have Commonwealth too.

ilblackdragon commented 4 years ago

Will be moving structure into here. Proposals here should update changes according to the structure if they changing spec. Discussion for changing spec should be happening here as well. We are working with Commonwealth to add PRs from this repo to the Commonwealth so we can cross-discuss + add in future bounty for implementation and others.

ilblackdragon commented 4 years ago

Closing this issue. The spec is moved here.