near / Pagoda-Roadmap

Repo for testing GH project management features.
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🔰 [Initiative] Component Activity Feed (in Main Feed) #65

Open TiffanyGYJ opened 1 year ago

TiffanyGYJ commented 1 year ago


Improve App Discovery experience with a focus on increasing developer conversion and community engagement.


User Flow

Developer Just Joined

  1. The developer A lands on and sees a feed in the page with a tab says "components"
  2. A land on the tab and sees a scrolling feed of components that looks well made and ready to use
  3. A scroll for a while and is prompted to follow other developers who have a track record of being actively contributing with high quality works and influential
  4. After A followed some developers prompted, they start to see the feed gets additional information about the components that the developers they follow have published, in addition to some activities such as B liked X component, C saved Y component
  5. A continue to explore the feed, like and save some components they find interesting and helpful

Developer Re-Engage

  1. After developer A explore the feed, follow, like and save some components, A has to leave to deal with some matters
  2. After a few days, A gets a notification(could be email) prompting A that A have saved XYZ components and there are new components published by the developers A follows
  3. A recalls the powerful experience of BOS and gets back to to build

Publish Component

  1. Developer A is ready to publish a component and see an option to add descriptions and others to form it into a post
  2. A clicks into the option and drafts the post and hit publish
  3. The post shows up in the feed

Privacy Setting

  1. Developer A just finishes a component but decides that they does not want this component to be seen in the feed
  2. Developer sees an option for it in the publishing flow and selects it




(Relevant documentation, Figma links, and other reference material)

### MVP
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### Next Ver.
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TiffanyGYJ commented 11 months ago
xuan-ytr commented 9 months ago

@TiffanyGYJ reposting some questions here from related data-platform ticket:

xuan-ytr commented 9 months ago

Design in review.

cc @TiffanyGYJ @Kevin101Zhang @sarahmills