near / borsh-rs

Rust implementation of Binary Object Representation Serializer for Hashing
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Read/Write mutable reference in `serialize` and `deserialize_reader` is unnecessary #270

Open billythedummy opened 7 months ago

billythedummy commented 7 months ago

Currently, the required method for BorshDeserialize has the following signature:

fn deserialize_reader<R: Read>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<Self>;

However, it can be changed to just:

fn deserialize_reader<R: Read>(reader: R) -> Result<Self>;

because Read has a blanket impl for mut references:

Similarly, BorshSerialize can be changed from

fn serialize<W: Write>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<()>;


fn serialize<W: Write>(&self, writer: W) -> Result<()>;

because Write has a blanket impl for mut references:

This will be a breaking change

dj8yfo commented 7 months ago

it probably should've been

fn deserialize_reader<R: Read>(mut reader: R) -> Result<Self>;

Does this change allow any wider use cases for the traits? I believe both signatures are equivalent with respect to how the traits can be used in practice, and mutable reference argument better reflects semantics of what the traits are doing: they borrow Reader/Writer for de/ser of one object and return it intact to the caller (by-value argument drops Reader/Writer after one object).

billythedummy commented 7 months ago

It probably should've been fn deserialize_reader<R: Read>(mut reader: R) -> Result<Self>;

No. You do not need to specify mut in the trait definition itself, only in the implementation. See playground link below.

Does this change allow any wider use cases for the traits?

It's somewhat weird that you have to pass a mutable reference to a immutable buffer when you're deserializing. See playground:

mutable reference argument better reflects semantics of what the traits are doing

Yes. But if your writer is a mutable reference itself then it makes sense for the mutable reference to be dropped after one object, does it not?

For reference: serde_json also bounds most stuff by W and R instead of &mut W and &mut R ,

dj8yfo commented 7 months ago

It's somewhat weird that you have to pass a mutable reference to a immutable buffer when you're deserializing

these are playground examples for Read and Write

billythedummy commented 7 months ago

I believe Rust API guidelines recommends to pass Read and Write by value:

Regarding the playground examples, I think this is what by_ref() is for. Read example fixed, Write example fixed

billythedummy commented 7 months ago

More info here:

dj8yfo commented 7 months ago

Frankly speaking this is illuminating

billythedummy commented 6 months ago

So, do you guys intend to change this for 2.0? I also wanna add that this issue has surfaced before:

frol commented 5 months ago

@billythedummy Thank you for raising it

So, do you guys intend to change this for 2.0?

We don't intent to release 2.0 any time soon unless there is a very good reason to. I have created a tracking issue for the ideas that would require us to bump the major version here: