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Hack the Rainbow Mega Prize ($50k total prizes) #28

Closed behaviary closed 3 years ago

behaviary commented 4 years ago

NEAR’s Hack the Rainbow Mega Prize ($50k total prizes)

Prize Bounty

Prizes are 80% $NEAR tokens and 20% DAI (here expressed in $ equivalent). The total value of prizes provided by NEAR foundation is $50,000. Here is the breakdown of prizes:

Challenge Description

NEAR collective and associates have been hard at work on a mighty bridge between two noble tribes. For the first time in history, these fair kingdoms meet: Ethereum and NEAR. The energetic force cleaving these two planes of existence together is the powerful Rainbow Bridge, a connector that allows the movement of fungible tokens between the two realms. And later, the movement of any data.

Even though this hackathon honors the great bridge, all contributions are welcome. This extends to those who are interested in offering tribute other than code! Some examples of submissions include:

Name Description
Tanda A Tanda is a rotating saving scheme where each person pays into a pot, and then one person per month receives the sum total. These are used in Latin America for communities to support each other. This could be done with existing ERC-20 tokens of Ethereum, and the low transaction fees of NEAR.
Pool Party Hyper local thresholded payments. Want to go on a trip to the grand canyon with friends? Don't want to pay all expenses out of pocket? Then make them pay ahead! If the trip doesn't happen, they get reimbursed. If you reach the trip budget, then you can pay out of the pot for the whole thing! Everyone wins
Secure Democracy Demonstrate how a transparent decentralized voting application would function and potentially be the perfect solution for a secure election process.
Vision of a new reality! Are you interested in blockchain, but can't code to save your life? Well, this bounty might be for you! Use your wildest imagination to write a story of the future. The only thing that makes Science Fiction not real, is the fiction part! Make your dream a reality.
DAOs on NEAR DAOs are the beating heart of Ethereum, but they are crippled by gas fees.. Implement voting strategies for your DAO on NEAR where Tx fees are lower. Tally results of the vote and transfer to Ethereum side of the bridge.
Memes are Dreams That’s right. Meme is law. You never thought you would get paid for the work your mother would never call work. Now you can. The greatest meme gets the greatest prize.

You can view the whole list here:

Submission deadline

The last day of the hackathon: September 30th 11:59 pm UTC

Submission Requirements

Please make sure that your submission addresses the following criteria:

Judging Criteria


$40,000 worth of NEAR and 10,000 DAI

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 10000.0 ETH (3335166.82 USD @ $333.52/ETH) attached to it.

gitcoinbot commented 3 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 50000.0 DAI (50000.0 USD @ $1.0/DAI) has been submitted by:

gitcoinbot commented 3 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 50000.0 DAI (50000.00 USD @ $1.0/DAI) has been submitted by:

  1. @cryptoblarabi
  2. @ama31337
  3. @lotfy2
  4. @monier21
  5. @amiyatulu
  6. @mandril1
  7. @maxman111
  8. @e8128
  9. @mosgov
  10. @gagdiez
  11. @hdriqi
  12. @damiir1
  13. @elegant651
  14. @peekpi
  15. @edgy-writer
  16. @lunafromthemoon
  17. @layinka
  18. @beechains
  19. @princesinha19
  20. @waylad
  21. @nipol
  22. @lucaa9
  23. @rezahsnz
  24. @aj07
  25. @mdzor
  26. @lenara
  27. @jackson-harris-iii
  28. @vibhumeh
  29. @silantnode
  30. @ozymandius1
  31. @nanspro
  32. @technologyas
  33. @miohtama
  34. @andreujuanc
  35. @ilnada
  36. @zoek1
  37. @mukeshjaiswal01
  38. @litoopcmbjp340
  39. @jsimbouras
  40. @ivenka
  41. @robert-zaremba
  42. @aluhning
  43. @ecwireless
  44. @jabyl
  45. @theophoric

@yalormewn please take a look at the submitted work:

behaviary commented 3 years ago

@insideNIMA has this hackathon stuff been closed out? We can close this issue when it's done.

cameron-NEAR commented 3 years ago

Hey @potatodepaulo, this bounty seems to be old. Can I close it?

gitcoinbot commented 3 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 6 months, 4 weeks ago. Please review their action plans below:

1) tarunbhm has started work.

Attempt at implementation of NEAR on ETH state prover. Once done we can use to move costly and repeated transactions execution to NEAR for most of the Ethereum DApps. 2) jilt has started work.

This project is a tool for musicians, podcasters and composers, using the soundcloud api to track common efforts on the blockchain and bring your minted music to life! 3) ulvus has started work.

Because of corona covid19, a lot of travel around the world, are dismissed, or canceled, therefor a lot being a tourist or camp in there own country, not all citizen, single, kids, family, friendsship have the money upfront, so tourist and camping tanda pot, will give one participant a amount to do it. 4) amiyatulu has started work.

Decentralized democracy with experts as leaders. The new fair democracy provides an elegant way of governance that separates the representative responsibility according to their specialization and can grow into any complexity. The governance is divided into various departments, and each department is supervised by representatives with expertise in the field. Voters are rational and need to have enough knowledge about the departments and the department problems, in order to vote for the selecting representatives of a department. The selection process of representatives is “difficult in and easy out”, which allows only utilitarian actors to hold the responsibility, weeding out frivolous ones. 5) ethyuan has started work.

Stakeholder Rights Management 6) rezahsnz has started work.

i will try to implement a valid shuffling algorithm based on zero-knowledge proofs for the poker game. a unofficial poker game is already live on the NEAR blockchain(available at and my work builds upon that. so, basically i am gonna contribute some handy cryptographic methods. zero-knowledge proofs are very sophisticated and i hope to figure one out for this game with the possibility of getting it incorporated in upcoming NEAR projects. i may fail miserably but still fall in love with this project and ask the community for some funds to develop a big & beautiful poker game operating in ethereum L2/NEAR networks. 7) ama31337 has started work.

Telegram bot to monitor your validator. Easy to install and use. With all propper alerts about server status and validator process. 8) sirius651 has started work.

NFT Marketplace where musicians can buy and sell midi files 9) cryptoblarabi has started work.

Promoting NEAR protocol to the Arab world by creating articles,videos, and memes. 10) dotrungkien has started work.

Make a bridge between ETH and NEAR, where user can deposit DAI or Ether in ETH (price provided by Chainlink) to get nDAI in NEAR, and reverse. 11) srisankethu has started work.

The concept of Chit Fund(India) is similar to Tanda(Latin America). Will create a DAO for chit fund scheme. 12) ricktobacco has started work.

BCH, ERC-20, NEAR-Collateralized Liquity CDPortfolio "Are you a Liquidity Provider? Get LiqPaid LP shares!" 13) lotfy2 has started work.

Article for NEAR 14) andronnk has started work.

Axiopolis Online is a net-first, decentralized, unlockable, visual novel, revolving around an alternative version of physical and digital reality, where autonomous societies are curated by the Machine, a self-sustainable form of intelligence. 15) monier21 has started work.

Memes for NEAR, i will update the file with more memes soon 16) layinka has started work.

Ever had a roommate that won't pay bills on time? Maybe you've covered things like groceries or bills and they are behind? Build an app that allows you to both enter a contract on NEAR that holds you both accountable to paying each other back. Log what each of you owe, and add interest if someone doesn't pay back in the time frame that you've agreed upon. 17) jsimbouras has started work.

A social token built on NEAR. Every Mint and Burn action, as well as sales and resales triggers a tax that feeds into a DAOs organizing HACKUMENTA, a community-owned art fair in Athens. Out with the Gallery - in with the Community. Out with scaling challenges and skyrocketing gas fees - We want to disrupt the art market using the power of web3 and NEAR! 18) x5engine has started work.

NFT marketplace on NEAR 19) nanspro has started work.

Solidity has a classic auction smart contract. I am gonna implement an advanced auction on near using which people will be able to bid and buy NFTs 20) mandril1 has started work.

NEAR protocol... put the Open Web into the hands of everyday people 21) maxman111 has started work.

Thank you for this chance! Will do a review on the Turkish language for NEAR. 22) robert-zaremba has started work.

NEARswap is an Automated Market Maker on NEAR protocol. With blockchain we can move financial services to a new level - Decentralized Finance. As noted above, access to assets obligation is a key to scale the economy. Principal solutions to that is: - Liqidity services - Automated Market Making. We build NEARswap is here fulfill this goals in a very truly trustless manner. Here are our GOALS: - Focus on liquidity pools and AMM - Eliminate side markets incentives on NEARswap. Side market is an entity which could change a behavior of the CLP / AMM protocol and shift the benefits or potentially manipulate the whole market. - Highly predictable behavior designed with the main blockchain principles: trustless smart-contracts. 23) e8128 has started work.

The Multipurpose Distributed Fund Management App uses state of the art blockchain technology to provide a secure and reliable way to transfer tokens between users and to funds. All transactions are logged in the blockchain, eliminating all forms of confusion. A robust suite of features allows fund managers to micromanage their funds for all sorts of different purposes. 24) mosgov has started work.

Article. 25) gagdiez has started work.

Influences is a decentralized social network allow fans to subscribe (for a monthly fee) to their favourite influencers. Influencers in turn share images and videos.

The main advantage of Influences is that it's completely decentralized. It's front-end is hosted in skynet, the decentralized storage platform of SIA. All the content uploaded also goes to skynet. Meanwhile, the back-end is hosted in NEAR, through the use of smart contracts. 26) peekpi has started work.

RainbowWars is a cross-chain game. 27) damiir1 has started work.

I created a gif meme and i will publish an article ( i will put the link on the README file) 28) ecwireless has started work.

Food4Family is a relatively simple web app that allows users to share recipes online. This differs from standard recipe sites in two key ways:

1) Users have the opportunity to form "families" amongst themselves, in order to publish their own "family cook book." This Cook Book is a compilation of recipes published by each User, and also voted in by the Family. Users can create as many Families as they like, and can also request their recipe be compiled in multiple Family Cook Books.

2) All Recipes, Families, and Users are housed on the NEAR blockchain. On top of this, governance over family decisions (i.e. which recipes are allowed into the cook book) is also completely handled by the blockchain. In the future, plenty of other governance and ownership features can be added as needed. 29) nipol has started work.

NEAR Protocol uses Proof-of-stake to secure its blockchain. All validators must stake a certan amount of NEAR tokens.

With Near's smart contract ability, we can easily tokenize our staked currency and transfer it to Ethereum through the rainbow bridge.

While this versatility offers many opportunities for holders, it can also threaten network security by reducing the amount of staking.

In order to maximize the usability of the near while protecting the security of the network, we suggest staking based derivatives.

Delegators can receive yNEAR token by staking NEAR tokens to validator. The amount of yNEAR is adjusted when validators get rewards Immediately

By transfering yNEAR to Ethereum, Holders can find financial opportunities with various de-fi legos include hedge

Some part of validator rewards will collected into treasury. All yNEAR token holders can participate in the governance.

For example, tokens in the tresury can be used for various project initiatives on NEAR. 30) lunafromthemoon has started work.

Almost There will be a crowdfunding platform that allows people to raise money for achieving personal projects, events or even to affront exceptional circumstances. 31) edgy-writer has started work.

a blockchain journey 32) glaxyes has started work.

this is work I am doing long time bigner 33) princesinha19 has started work.

We are creating an on-chain orderbook on top of the NEAR Protocol. We are utilizing the Rainbow bridge to move Ethereum Asset to Near. 34) technologyas has started work.

Bridgepool is a cross-chain liquidity pool that is designed to enable low-friction automated transactions between EVM-compatible blockchains. It is intended to be used as both a tool for maximizing liquidity and for gas price arbitration. 35) lucaa9 has started work.

MEMES + ARTICLES 36) aj07 has started work.

Decentralized Venmo 37) vibhumeh has started work.

Vision a new reality!: 2047 blockchain and tech 38) jabyl has started work.

Whether on a personal or on a professional level - social interaction has been the most damaged by COVID global crisis. We may say, we have "life before COVID" - and "life after COVID." But what do all the good and bad COVID-stories have in common? Experience. A deeper human connection. Sharing. And either in the good or the hard times, people always find a way to do just that. That's what Intoo TV is about: creating and sharing experience, on demand.

In a Nutshell: Intoo is a p2p live-streaming network to design, share and monetize real-life experiences.

A couple of Use-cases:

  1. GENERAL: many people (for life or health-conditions) cannot travel the places that they like, and/or experience/learn/see something they would like to.

  2. CANCELED EVENTS: Because of public health measures - performers, artists, Influencers, travelers, ..., had to cancel their tours and change their plans. These categories need a budget to keep sharing and producing great content, and their content has never been as valuable as it is during this global crisis. Surely for entertainment, but especially to keep and establish a genuine human bond, a connection.

Solutions & Steps:

  1. GUESTS: Intoo TV makes it easy for everyone to "design" an experience they want to live in first person, setting up duration, location, and budget for it (paying in Fiat, or with Ether). Making them "guests" of someone else's real-life, unfiltered experience for a while.

  2. HOSTS: Performers, creators, artists, or just regular people can "browse" the open experiences, and "match" with them in a Tinder-like fashion, based on their interests and their skills. Making them "hosts" of others, who cannot live that experience in first person.

  3. DATE & TICKETS: After the two parties agree on a time and date for the experience to happen, Guest & Host will receive an NFT-ticket with a unique QR-Code (generated through Chainlink's VRF) to join the event as a real-time broadcast for the date and duration agreed.

  4. REWARD: After the live-streaming event, the broadcaster will receive the reward/budget set - and will be able to withdraw it in Fiat (on Paypal), or Crypto (in NEAR, using the Bridge)!

Values & USPs:

  1. STRICTLY ONE-TO-ONE BROADCAST: an unfiltered, real-life experience, from a person to the other.

  2. ENTIRELY CUSTOMIZABLE LIVE-EXPERIENCE: the experience you want, anywhere in the world - with the duration, description, and budget you want. Realized specifically for you, in real-time.

  3. EASY, AND FUN NFT GENERATION: just like selecting the ingredients to create your own Pizza at Domino!

Intoo TV lets you be anywhere, at any time. Visit the world, through someone else's eyes. 39) ilnada has started work.

Promoting 40) litoopcmbjp340 has started work.

Please go to for a full description. We have Many Links. We are a legal business entity. We have been in formation since the creation on 06/7/2017

We have been a legal business entity since 09/17/2020

Our label and Soon to be Servicemark is DUSTTOODIAMONDS™®

We are a Digital Asset Management Company And Owner CEO As well as A Digital Media Company Owner And CEO.

We are still building. Thank you. Company Email- -personal email

24thstorymotives© DUSTTOODIAMONDS ™®

CEO & Owner

Corey Matthew Barron.


Hack The Rainbow 🌈.

Why not hack the Rainbow 🌈 with Unicorns!

Stay Tuned! 41) zcstarr has started work.

This project turns the relayers into a service, that can be controlled by external software, allowing users to regulate when they relay transactions. You can easily imagine running a collection of relay services behind aws load balancers. In addition to this this service implements OpenRPC interfaces, which allows for typed client generation and documentation,. 42) vince0656 has started work.

Simply extending the rainbow bridge CLI to support ERC721 assets in addition to ERC20 assets 43) aluhning has started work.

As part of the Vital Point AI decentralized community platform - this is a port/customization of Moloch DAO v2 to NEAR. Communities may require the ability to coordinate funds and resources. As an example, let's consider how guilds interact in the NEAR Guilds community. Each guild has the option of submitting proposals to the community for funding consideration. While we could have a human committee sit around and discuss each proposal and then arbitrarily decide to award the funding from the resource pool or maybe a better option is to provide a module that facilitates coordination and resource allocation through a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). This project could be the answer. 44) theophoric has started work.

access keys for accounts

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.