## [0.9.0](https://github.com/near/cargo-near/compare/cargo-near-v0.8.2...cargo-near-v0.9.0) - 2024-09-02
### Added
- Extracted cargo-near-build into a standalone crate to be able to use it in near-workspaces and other places without the rest of the heavy dependencies of cargo-near ([#198](https://github.com/near/cargo-near/pull/198))
- Added tracking of `cargo near new` usage to collect statistics of the command usage ([#192](https://github.com/near/cargo-near/pull/192))
🤖 New release
: 0.8.2 -> 0.9.0cargo-near-build
: 0.1.0Changelog
## `cargo-near`
This PR was generated with release-plz.