near / devrel

The space for DevRel
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Explore new developer path and provide feedback #336

Closed thisisjoshford closed 2 years ago

thisisjoshford commented 2 years ago

doriancrutcher commented 2 years ago

First impressions! The new webpage looks really slick and edgy.

  1. Featured Items image

I kinda want this featured component to have like it's own box or something. It just seems out of place to have the text floating off to the side like that

  1. Side Panel

Part of me thinks there should be an edgy side panel for the animation section to all of this so I can click and get to the slide that interest me most? And it’ll also give me a quick overview of what’s on homepage at first glance

  1. Too much open space on scalablility slide


I kinda feel like there’s too much open space here on this slide . Like the text here should be bigger, or there should be perhaps a list of featured companies that have taken advantage of the scalibilty, or something in the animation should be used to show the scalability.

4 Mobile View


Mobile view looks a bit off in terms of the background. I know this one is probably a bit tricky but maybe it should be centered on the road?

  1. Menu image

This menu looks a lot better than our current one

  1. Rainbow Bridge image

I totally think there should be a "read more" button that leads to the docs here for the rainbow bridge ``

zavodil commented 2 years ago

there is a google doc for a website feedback, please join #website channel on a Near Inc Slack.

bucanero commented 2 years ago

there is a google doc for a website feedback, please join #website channel on a Near Inc Slack.

I think that @thisisjoshford idea was mostly focused on developer path feedback

danielwpz commented 2 years ago

image in the node section, there is no actual guide about how to setup an rpc node, just a list of hardware requirements. If the setup process is the same as other nodes at lease we should mention it and put a reference link

think-in-universe commented 2 years ago

there is a google doc for a website feedback, please join #website channel on a Near Inc Slack.

I also added some comments in the google doc.

BenKurrek commented 2 years ago

I think there might be a little too much on the looks side and not enough on the functionality and UX side. Only talking from the perspective of how a dev would feel and how easy it is to find information, I've got some points I'd like to outline:

The TLDR would be as a developer, on the new site, I'm not too sure what to do and where to go. When I click on anything, there might be too much information and I get lost in the sauce.