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Send NFTs to the NEARvember challenge participants #437

Closed BenKurrek closed 2 years ago

BenKurrek commented 2 years ago

We will be sending NFTs to all the participants. The NFT is a small GIF of the challenge found here on IPFS. We will be minting 100 editions and the participants will get an edition based on which place they ended in the challenge. For example the user that finished 15th will get the 15th edition of the token. The first place user will get edition number 1.

The contract is nft.nearvember-challenge.near

BenKurrek commented 2 years ago

Dorian reached out to participants and recorded details of their information in this spreadsheet.

I went and created a super simple bash script to mint NFTs to all the users. The script, if you're curious, is here:


export NFT="nft.nearvember-challenge.near"
export i=1
export TOKEN_ID="nearvember-token-edition-$i"

while read line; do
    if [[ $line == *.near ]]
        export RECEIVER_ID=$line
        echo "$line --> $TOKEN_ID"
        near call $NFT --accountId $NFT nft_mint '{"token_id": "'$TOKEN_ID'", "metadata": {"title": "NEARvember Challenge NFT", "description": "thank you for participating in the nearvember challenge", "media": "", "copies": 100}, "receiver_id": "'$RECEIVER_ID'"}'
done < nearvember_scoresheet.txt