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Setup On-call schedule for Multi-chain MPC #602

Open volovyks opened 1 month ago

volovyks commented 1 month ago


Testnet for now, Mainnet once it is released

kmaus-near commented 1 month ago

@ppca I'll need your input on this one. I can set the schedule, but we should set up certain metric alerts for the dashboard so we have something to push to a rotation. Basically what metrics we should alert on and send to the alert groups, what should their severity be, and what the escalation for those alerts should be.

kmaus-near commented 1 month ago

Also @ChaoticTempest please accept grafana invite so I can add you to a schedule.

ChaoticTempest commented 1 month ago

@kmaus-near done, but it did come up with an error the first time I pressed the link so let me know if I need to do anythin

kmaus-near commented 3 weeks ago

We have a loose schedule now, I still need to add @ailisp to grafana.

I'm working on separating oncall by timezone, which timezones (preferably static) should I add to the schedule? Clearly US based, mostly just wondering about APAC or EU zones. Hopefully this way there is less chance of someone being oncall outside of working hours.

volovyks commented 3 weeks ago

@kmaus-near , @ailisp already installed the app. Please, contact him in Slack if there are any issues.

kmaus-near commented 3 weeks ago

Everyone on the team will need to go here search for their user, and add a phone number and integrate with the mobile app, please let me know if you can't edit your own users information and I'll give you access to do so.