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chore(refactor): restructure project + upgrade dependencies/transitive-dependencies #614

Closed ChaoticTempest closed 1 month ago

ChaoticTempest commented 1 month ago

This upgrades all our near related dependencies to 0.21 to resolve security vulnerabilities. The project was restructured to facilitate this due to the fastauth project being in conflict with these dependencies. This is how our folder structure looks like now:

- chain-signatures
- fastauth

Further restructuring will happen after this PR merges due to potential merge conflicts:

- chain-signatures/
- fastauth/
- node/
- contract/
- keys/

Note that we no longer have a top-level Cargo.toml, which means we can no longer use the cargo command at the root of the project. We'll need to cd directly into the folder to use the command, and also watch out potentially for rust-analyzer since it won't be watching our project anymore at the root.

This also reduces our build times now since we have two distinct projects when going to run tests instead of compiling everything in integration-tests.

Nix might also be failing since I didn't test that 🤷

ChaoticTempest commented 1 month ago

nevermind about rust-analyzer not working in root folder. Got it to work by including .vscode/settings.json entries

ChaoticTempest commented 1 month ago

Audits will also continue to fail since I haven't completely upgraded everything yet. That will be left for the next PR

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Terraform Feature Environment Destroy (dev-614)

Terraform Initialization ⚙️success

Terraform Destroy success

Show Destroy Plan ``` No changes. No objects need to be destroyed. Either you have not created any objects yet or the existing objects were already deleted outside of Terraform. Destroy complete! Resources: 0 destroyed. ```

Pusher: @DavidM-D, Action: pull_request, Working Directory: `, Workflow:Terraform Feature Env (Destroy)`