near / mpc

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fix: use fixed IPs for dev #652

Closed ppca closed 1 week ago

ChaoticTempest commented 1 week ago

how likely do these IPs change?

kmaus-near commented 1 week ago

how likely do these IPs change?

These only change when you destroy and reapply them with Terraform, but to prevent that you can hardcode the IP addresses, so they are always created with the same IP every time.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Terraform Feature Environment Destroy (dev-652)

Terraform Initialization ⚙️success

Terraform Destroy success

Show Destroy Plan ``` No changes. No objects need to be destroyed. Either you have not created any objects yet or the existing objects were already deleted outside of Terraform. Destroy complete! Resources: 0 destroyed. ```

Pusher: @ppca, Action: pull_request, Working Directory: `, Workflow:Terraform Feature Env (Destroy)`