near / near-explorer

NEAR blockchain explorer
Apache License 2.0
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Explorer should show transaction/receipts executed on the given account #212

Closed evgenykuzyakov closed 3 years ago

evgenykuzyakov commented 4 years ago


As a user I want to see transactions/receipts that touch a given contract as a receiver. E.g. if I go to the the explorer only shows the transactions issued by this account and transactions where the given account is direct receiver, but doesn't show the other contracts calling this contract (cross-contract calls).

Background for chatbot:

frol commented 4 years ago

It should work as described, so if it does not, it is a bug.

icerove commented 4 years ago

@evgenykuzyakov where can I use that chatbot so I can test whether it is okay? also you can see corgis if this is the txs you described

frol commented 4 years ago

@evgenykuzyakov All the 9 transactions are presented in the UI: 8 of them are incoming and outcoming at the same time (the receiver and the signer are chatbot).

evgenykuzyakov commented 4 years ago

Ok. I think I know what's going on. If a receipts touches the contract, then the transaction is not displayed.

frol commented 4 years ago

@evgenykuzyakov can you provide a link / a transaction hash which you expect to see on the list, but it is not there?

evgenykuzyakov commented 4 years ago

Updated the title and the story

evgenykuzyakov commented 4 years ago



$ near tx-status --account_id=eugenethedream AfuMwwEDcboZr5vuYqmGkVTNPRBhNa8ZunjpbardrBTo                                                              
  receipts_outcome: [
      block_hash: 'AoDCGdhWn838B1WS34vNhbC2XtuRcNKfyuwGTzoD6s9j',
      id: '4iqrVqAJsvma5dLiCsqBQYU4vzYBQ8B1j584XhDXnaCs',
      outcome: {
        gas_burnt: 5330224579527,
        logs: [],
        receipt_ids: [
        status: {
          SuccessReceiptId: '7q9rYMZED6uwDwtdCrbPBfWoPdbJ46GVWMrsafab94kJ'
      proof: [
          direction: 'Left',
          hash: 'DpFyDzBMkxgCYhP7H6iXEHA9T8Dg8qiRv9xg1gEsE21B'
      block_hash: 'CsL5dzSmrdZTbxWDNgMVNPHNXzkGXPkntve79P4jUtqW',
      id: '7q9rYMZED6uwDwtdCrbPBfWoPdbJ46GVWMrsafab94kJ',
      outcome: {
        gas_burnt: 5480660706643,
        logs: [],
        receipt_ids: [
        status: { SuccessValue: '' }
      proof: []
      block_hash: 'Hkh5VVuXd1Su1pZsXcWgJj3zp8ZL76mGFtaMBueBZxgb',
      id: 'G73xbY7y9yFifrATKKwEjwxRuoJbRPU21L6USA1tLvec',
      outcome: {
        gas_burnt: 3130521261082,
        logs: [],
        receipt_ids: [ 'AA1yu39GHuLVbzCiL2oM2Hs2kDEbHaC5mcXW7YUT8Dbb' ],
        status: { SuccessValue: '' }
      proof: [
          direction: 'Right',
          hash: '33hcwCq6eWp9Rt3aFh7eKnFAsdJjTauLu7bDKHaCSqof'
      block_hash: '2aFk7m5tk768EKTKFMT2uJRG42ZdrLZBP9LNoG1dizag',
      id: 'AA1yu39GHuLVbzCiL2oM2Hs2kDEbHaC5mcXW7YUT8Dbb',
      outcome: {
        gas_burnt: 0,
        logs: [],
        receipt_ids: [],
        status: { SuccessValue: '' }
      proof: []
      block_hash: 'Hkh5VVuXd1Su1pZsXcWgJj3zp8ZL76mGFtaMBueBZxgb',
      id: 'F9G8sGxrWdRd5EcxEPvResHeYwqU9qfLN1XR5KpsYZHC',
      outcome: {
        gas_burnt: 0,
        logs: [],
        receipt_ids: [],
        status: { SuccessValue: '' }
      proof: [
          direction: 'Left',
          hash: 'FjkafWUmEo8hXCi81WCvQJ8Gu4bjyiYjo16ogLbr9STE'
      block_hash: 'CsL5dzSmrdZTbxWDNgMVNPHNXzkGXPkntve79P4jUtqW',
      id: '43LCjRwowyi6u7eMHXhYM5c7ZG3JZWZeyrt5aL3Rtx1e',
      outcome: {
        gas_burnt: 0,
        logs: [],
        receipt_ids: [],
        status: { SuccessValue: '' }
      proof: []
  status: { SuccessValue: '' },
  transaction: {
    actions: [
        FunctionCall: {
          args: 'eyJyZWNlaXZlcl9pZCI6ImNoYXRib3QiLCJhcHBfaWQiOiJtYWlsIiwibWVzc2FnZSI6IntcInR5cGVcIjpcIm1haWxcIixcInN1YmplY3RcIjpcIkhlbGxvLCBteSBodW1hbiBmcmllbmQhXCIsXCJjb250ZW50XCI6XCJcIn0ifQ==',
          deposit: '0',
          gas: 2000000000000000,
          method_name: 'send_message'
    hash: 'AfuMwwEDcboZr5vuYqmGkVTNPRBhNa8ZunjpbardrBTo',
    nonce: 78,
    public_key: 'ed25519:KuTCtARNzxZQ3YvXDeLjx83FDqxv2SdQTSbiq876zR7',
    receiver_id: 'eugenethedream',
    signature: 'ed25519:2UqMvDPJHjc34T5yX6ZSbXcwSKuk6H1EJ97hm68o54myooso2kvRqcVAFMA4zXou4twPK79XrjeGpfnATyTKrHk3',
    signer_id: 'eugenethedream'
  transaction_outcome: {
    block_hash: 'AoDCGdhWn838B1WS34vNhbC2XtuRcNKfyuwGTzoD6s9j',
    id: 'AfuMwwEDcboZr5vuYqmGkVTNPRBhNa8ZunjpbardrBTo',
    outcome: {
      gas_burnt: 2291826403326,
      logs: [],
      receipt_ids: [ '4iqrVqAJsvma5dLiCsqBQYU4vzYBQ8B1j584XhDXnaCs' ],
      status: {
        SuccessReceiptId: '4iqrVqAJsvma5dLiCsqBQYU4vzYBQ8B1j584XhDXnaCs'
    proof: [
        direction: 'Right',
        hash: '2djfrWrNqR2aCbMoAshMruao6vsoDv7k2fTzCmqFNqzv'
frol commented 4 years ago

@evgenykuzyakov Since I don't see any chatbot reference, it seems that we should expose some extra info from nearcore RPC first... I assume we should expose receipts as they hold the information about receiver. Does this sound right to you?

evgenykuzyakov commented 4 years ago

Yes. This sounds reasonable. We should be able to query receipts

frol commented 4 years ago

Well, even though we don't have the API to query the individual receipts in nearcore, we don't need that to implement this. We need to index the receipts into Explorer DB, so this issue is blocked on

frol commented 4 years ago

@SkidanovAlex @evgenykuzyakov @chain-police We need your knowledge about receipts and execution outcomes!

Is there a place where we can learn about all the corner cases of transaction lifetime?

I can list a few concerns:

  1. Is there a way to match actions to the execution outcomes? @nearmax says that execution outcome is only relevant to the last action on a receipt.
  2. What is expected to happen when a single transaction/receipt has more than one FunctionCall actions? Will the logs get combined? Will the cross-contract calls get executed?
  3. Can we define a transaction status in a meaningful way? @nearmax suggested we only have "in-progress" and "completed" (when all the receipts are resolved) /cc @kcole16 @icerove @corwinharrell

Correct me if I am wrong at any place:

  1. We receive a transaction for inclusion into a chain; it is signed and usually submitted via JSON RPC
  2. The transaction gets pre-validated and may even not included in the mempool (we don't observe it in Explorer)
  3. Eventually, the transaction will get included in some chunk / block (we will observe the transaction with actions in a chunk)
  4. The network gets to transaction conversion in a later [the next?] block after it was included, and we can observe an ExecutionOutcome referencing a receipt, that will get executed (it seems that we cannot assume that the receipt itself will get included in the same block as the Execution Outcome, right?)
  5. Some blocks later the receipt will get executed and will have its ExecutionOutcome; if the ExecutionOutcome references any receipts, we should keep following those in the next blocks, otherwise, we check if it was the last ExecutionOutcome for the given transaction (we have to keep track of it), and mark the transaction as "complete", right?

Thus, there are at least 3 blocks involved from transaction submission to the final receipt ExecutionOutcome?

  1. transaction
  2. transaction ExecutionOutcome + receipt
  3. receipt ExecutionOutcome

/cc @mikedotexe @amgando @vgrichina @khorolets

bowenwang1996 commented 4 years ago

The network gets to transaction conversion in a later [the next?] block after it was included, and we can observe an ExecutionOutcome referencing a receipt, that will get executed (it seems that we cannot assume that the receipt itself will get included in the same block as the Execution Outcome, right?)

It happens in the same block (when the transaction is applied).

Some blocks later the receipt will get executed and will have its ExecutionOutcome; if the ExecutionOutcome references any receipts, we should keep following those in the next blocks, otherwise, we check if it was the last ExecutionOutcome for the given transaction (we have to keep track of it), and mark the transaction as "complete", right?

Right, but note that the tx_status rpc will not wait for all receipts to complete before returning, so you might need to do some polling on explorer side.

Thus, there are at least 3 blocks involved from transaction submission to the final receipt ExecutionOutcome?

As I said above, transaction is converted to receipt after it is applied (in the same block).

icerove commented 3 years ago

Need maybe a presentation from runtime team to understand these things better, especially about receipts result and relation. I want to understand the mechanism not every details. @nearmax @evgenykuzyakov @bowenwang1996 @frol @khorolets

MaksymZavershynskyi commented 3 years ago

@evgenykuzyakov we have a dire need for a full runtime spec.