near / near-wallet-roadmap

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Fund Account via Rainbow Bridge #1

Open stefanopepe opened 3 years ago

stefanopepe commented 3 years ago

Summary NEAR Protocol is adopted by users who own other cryptocurrencies - such as Ethereum. This feature enables users who hold Ethereum (and other "bridged" crypto-assets) to fund their account, without leaving the wallet interface and acquire tokens on external exchanges.

Intended Outcome As a user, I want to find a direct link to the Rainbow Bridge (or Aurora application) among the buy options, such that I can fund my wallet using on-chain funds.

The success of this initiative will be measured by the adoption of this functionality, and the total value moved using this tool instead of the other alternatives. An absolute number is difficult to define in advance. Achieving >10% of Rainbow Bridge monthly active users use this feature at least once is the starting point.

How Will It Work? In the current "Buy" options, the user is prompted to provide funds by using one of the alternatives (exchanges, onramp and on-chain swap). The buy screen will suggest the rainbow bridge among the available alternatives, redirecting the user to the Rainbow Bridge website, and allowing them to swap&transfer their wNEAR ERC20 from Ethereum. Alternatively, this experience may embed a link to Aurora and drive traffic there instead.

Note: while NEAR Wallet supports multiple fungible tokens - allowing users to deposit wrapped DAI or USDt for example - this feature will still require a deposit of NEAR tokens, required to pay for storage fees.

Value Scorecard - 1 to 5 Scorecard by NEAR team leads, to help evaluate the potential value if this feature was available today (the date on the first column):

date UX Traction Ecosystem Liquidity Asia Advisors
heycorwin commented 2 years ago

@stefanopepe There is some conflict between what is being described here, and the variant that has been discussed in planning calls. One idea proposes to add the bridge as a funding option during onboarding. That is what appears to be described in the summary above. However, the title, and our discussion as a team has been centered around simply displaying the bridge to users as an option to acquire assets to hold in the wallet post onboarding. I think this is a critical distinction as it has ramifications on the scope and design of the feature. Can we split these two concepts out into separate roadmap items and/or issues so that we can gain some clarity around what is to be prioritized first?

stefanopepe commented 2 years ago

Making this roadmap item broader, to cover both use cases. Then, we have the first iteration issue/epic with the "top up" story and (later on) we include the onboarding aspect.