near / near-wallet

Web wallet for NEAR Protocol which stores keys in browser's localStorage
MIT License
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signMessage costs gas fees #3135

Open oneeuroquestion opened 2 months ago

oneeuroquestion commented 2 months ago

Environment A react website using the signMessage api in the MyNearWallet/Web Wallet flow on mainnet.

Problem Gas fee charges occur on the wallet

Expected Behaviour No charges should happen as this function just verifies the owner of the wallet with a message. on other wallets/blockchains this does not cost gas

Steps to reproduce

  1. setup the in a react app
  2. set it to use network: 'mainnet', - this is the only change from this flow:
  3. and this is the second change we did: export const NEAR_CONTRACT_ID = 'lavanetxyz.near' //'guest-book.testnet'
  4. then execute this after wallet login from the react website:
        nonce: [...Array.from(message)],
        callbackUrl: GetConnectionProgressUrlNearWallet(),
    signedMessage = await wallet.signMessage({
oneeuroquestion commented 2 months ago

ok just tested again this behaviour happens when logging in with sender wallet - could not reproduce it with the webwallet. So this happens after the log in - without even using the signMessage api. same flow using the connect your wallet as done in the example on the github.

Picture before login: image

Picture after logging in: image

The add key Txn which cost money:

oneeuroquestion commented 2 months ago

Ok I managed to reproduce the same issue in the web wallet with a new wallet (new account) before doing the login flow / signMessage flow - the wallet had these funds

0.1927 NEAR

and this is an after picture: image and again near was spent on an add key txn:

oneeuroquestion commented 2 months ago

Link to conversation on the neardev telegram: