near / nearcore

Reference client for NEAR Protocol
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Investigate relationship between state size and performance on FT benchmark #11729

Closed akashin closed 9 hours ago

akashin commented 1 week ago

We know that contract state size influences performance of the chain because it affects the latency of smart contract operations interacting with the disk. It is especially noticeable on shards 2 and 5 on mainnet.

We also did some initial experiments enabling in-memory trie ( that showed that with small contract state size, it had no noticeable effects on performance.

The goals here is to understand which FT contract size is enough to reproduce the performance profile on mainnet. We can then investigate how much in-memory trie improves the performance. Finally, we can also investigate effects of enabling/disabling various caches.

akashin commented 1 week ago

Here are the instructions to run the benchmark with state:

# Setup for node.
gcloud compute ssh --zone "europe-west4-a" "ubuntu@crt-benchmark-ft-092d" --project "nearone-crt"
nearup run localnet --binary-path /home/ubuntu --num-nodes 1 --num-shards 1 --verbose && nearup stop
cp .near/config.json .near/localnet/node0
cp .near/genesis.json .near/localnet/node0
rm -r .near/localnet/node0/data
ln -s /home/ubuntu/.near/data .near/localnet/node0/data
nearup run localnet --binary-path /home/ubuntu --num-nodes 1 --num-shards 1 --verbose

# Setup for traffic generator.
gcloud compute ssh --zone "europe-west4-b" "ubuntu@crt-benchmark-ft-traffic" --project "nearone-crt"
tmux new -s load
sudo apt install socat
socat TCP-LISTEN:3030,fork,reuseaddr TCP:

export KEY=/home/ubuntu/validator_key.json
cd nearcore/pytest/tests/loadtest/locust/
locust -H \
       -f locustfiles/ \
       --funding-key=$KEY  --fixed-contract-names --num-ft-contracts=1 --num-passive-users=0 --max-workers=8 -u 500 -r 100 --headless --processes 8
akashin commented 9 hours ago

I finished experiments with large FT contract state (45M users, 5.6 GB):

Overall, we know that the state that we have is big enough to expose database latencies, so I think we can close this issue.