near / stakewars-iv

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Do0k13 pool Stateless Network proposal June #116

Open Do0k13 opened 3 weeks ago

Do0k13 commented 3 weeks ago

Becoming a Validator Proposal

How many nodes do you plan to run?

Just One

Why do you want to run a validator node on StatelessNet?

I want to gain more experience running nodes in Near Protocol, I have been running successfully my node since Stake Wars III (mexa-staking.poolv1.near) and I want to learn about Stateless Network and the new improvements from Near Protocol; I'm a very passionate professional that want to contribute in this testing stage.

What region(s) do you plan to run on?

Actually I'm using a VPS hosted in Dusseldorf Germany, I live in Mexico and I'm using those servers due the price and stability.

telezhnaya commented 3 weeks ago

Error: TX receiver ID doesn't exist

telezhnaya commented 3 weeks ago

Please go through the instruction again

Do0k13 commented 4 days ago

Hello, I have created the pool again, can you validate?

signer_id: do0k13.statelessnet receiver_id: pool.statelessnet actions: -- function call:
method name: create_staking_pool args: { "owner_id": "do0k13.statelessnet", "reward_fee_fraction": { "denominator": 100, "numerator": 10 }, "stake_public_key": "ed25519:6fj2KCFhndmZAZEHCKdedABv8zGTZZVkTspUT5yur5B3", "staking_pool_id": "do0k13" } gas: 300.0 Tgas deposit: 35 NEAR

▹▸▹▹▹ Signing the transaction with a key saved in legacy keychain ...
Your transaction was signed successfully. Public key: ed25519:6fj2KCFhndmZAZEHCKdedABv8zGTZZVkTspUT5yur5B3 Signature: ed25519:5dhRmoNHjSr74xZ5QS4QNVy9VhyjHddZr5igXsaH7Skxh6JQ5KfXkncbVes6gjMwsvF8yEvuY11ZdtfHNuLiECj4 --- Logs --------------------------- Logs [pool.statelessnet]: No logs Logs [do0k13.pool.statelessnet]: No logs Logs [do0k13.pool.statelessnet]: No logs Logs [do0k13.statelessnet]: No logs Logs [do0k13.pool.statelessnet]: No logs Logs [do0k13.statelessnet]: No logs Logs [pool.statelessnet]: The staking pool @do0k13.pool.statelessnet was successfully created. Whitelisting... Logs [whitelist.statelessnet]: No logs Logs [do0k13.statelessnet]: No logs Logs [do0k13.statelessnet]: No logs --- Result ------------------------- true

The "create_staking_pool" call to on behalf of succeeded.

Gas burned: 44.7 Tgas Transaction fee: 0.00043760741120747 NEAR Transaction ID: J4vdPpdJraegoTZ2D8bYNVuTjiJsAkXWRYQemdnFEVT4 To see the transaction in the transaction explorer, please open this url in your browser:

▹▹▹▹▸ Sending transaction ...

Do0k13 commented 4 days ago

near account view-account-summary do0k13.pool.statelessnet network-config statelessnet now ▹▸▹▹▹ Receiving an inquiry about your account ...

do0k13.pool.statelessnet At block #118997070 (XuLv3yvutkJyhQyqWX6boudQT9r5Nbxf5vrghaAiEeZ)

NEAR Social profile unavailable The profile can be edited at or using the cli command: bos social-db manage-profile (

Native account balance 35.01 NEAR

Validator stake 0 NEAR

Storage used by the account 262.5 KB

Contract (SHA-256 checksum hex) fcbcf3f3721d9ca92be6b3ecd109c91909bfc435a969bf4c7c43215be6c4a6b7

Access keys Account is locked (no access keys)

Here is your console command if you need to script it or re-run: near account view-account-summary do0k13.pool.statelessnet network-config statelessnet now