near / stakewars-iv

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[Traffic gen]lockup factory stress test #8

Open SageVale opened 5 months ago

SageVale commented 5 months ago

Traffic Generation Proposal


Actions on chain per lockup deployment:

Target traffic volume

What is the estimated traffic volume?
Don't forget to mention required tokens needed to generate the traffic for the agreed time
Traffic should be large enough to prove/challenge scalability/stability of the network.

Associated "costs":

If we want to create X lockups per seconds: near_cost_per_second(X) = X * (5+.1)

Reproduction steps

Provide us with necessary scripts/codes (in case the engineering team needs to replay in the future)

walnut-the-cat commented 5 months ago

Thanks @SageVale for submitting the proposal. As the traffic generation program won't start until stage 2 of stake wars, we won't be able to share the feedback immediately, but will try to evaluate soon and get back to you on this. Thanks for your interest in our traffic generation program!

walnut-the-cat commented 4 months ago

Hi @SageVale , as #9 depends on this proposal, we will focus on reviewing this proposal first.

It seems that at the high level, we are aligned on the goal of the traffic generation: testing limit of the network by sending considerable amount of traffics and see if it can 'succeed/fail' to handle such load.

At the high level, we believe this is a valid proposal. While this may not be less realistic to expect high spike in lock up account creation, this can certainly be loads in the network. We need little more time before sharing our assessment on reward amount; we will try to get back to you by tomorrow (March 6th).

Meanwhile, couple follow-up questions.

  1. Do you have any capability limit on your side? For example, do you have estimate on maximum number of account creations you can trigger from your end? Do you plan to trigger the request sequentially, or in parallel?
  2. I assume the part of the plan is to 'connect' owner account and lockup account as well?
  3. Just to confirm, your focus is on creating a lock up account, but does not go beyond (e.g. staking), correct?

cc. @pugachAG

walnut-the-cat commented 4 months ago

Hello @SageVale,

following up on the previous message, we would like to share the assessment on the possible reward amount.

One caveat: we expect a traffic generation proposer to be able to generate at least couple hundreds of txns per second to put stress on the network (or even order of thousands to push the limit). Since you mentioned that the traffic can be as high as possible depending on the number of tokens the test account owns, we assume there is no problem to do so from your end, but our understanding is incorrect, please let us know.

Baseline reward amount

500 NEAR

Volume multiplier

1x, assuming you can generate couple hundred txns per second. We can work towards making it to 1.5x if you can generate 1000+ transactions per second.

Novelty multiplier

0.75x. While the proposed traffic is not something the team is actively testing, it is not a likely scenario to happen in the real life. Having said that, it is still a valid case as much as triggering tons of token transfer or account creation, and we concluded that it's worth trying.


TBD. It will be 1x if we can run the traffic generation successfully at the coordinated time.

Overall reward amount estimate

375 NEAR

Let us know if you have any questions or comment. Again, thank you for submitting your proposal.

SageVale commented 4 months ago

Hello @walnut-the-cat,

I will do the requests in parallel and maximise the calls. Can you send NEAR tokens to that address: a.statelessnet

If we assume 6 NEAR per transactions, 1000 txn per seconds for 30 days, around 16_000_000_000 NEAR required.

We can start with a smaller amount while I set everything up.


SageVale commented 4 months ago

@walnut-the-cat , script is ready, I just need the NEAR tokens.

SageVale commented 4 months ago

I could go beyond creating lockups. I can initiate staking process from created lockups. I would not do it if novelty factor remains at 0.75.

SageVale commented 4 months ago

News? @walnut-the-cat @telezhnaya

walnut-the-cat commented 4 months ago

Hi @SageVale , sorry for the late response. I was sick over the last couple days.

We don't need to send traffic for 30 days, but it can be done in for a relatively short period of time (couple hours to a day) to generate peak load.

When it comes to when you can start the traffic generation, we will need more time as we are making some major changes in stateless net to optimize/stabilize the network. We will certain get in touch with you as we have better understanding on what it can start.

Once we align on the timeline, we will work with you do fund your account with necessary amount of tokens.

SageVale commented 2 months ago

Hi @walnut-the-cat , any news?

walnut-the-cat commented 2 months ago

Hi @SageVale ,

We are aiming to restart currently paused StakeWars IV near end of May after on-going internal tests. (Current ETA: May 27th). Near mid-May, one of the team members will reach out to you on this issue to coordinate the schedule.

Again, I apologize for the delay. We will make sure that your time and effort are acknowledge and compensated properly.

telezhnaya commented 1 month ago

Hey @SageVale , Could you please ping me on telegram?

telezhnaya commented 1 month ago

@SageVale please contact me