near / stakewars-iv

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[Traffic gen]rpc read stress test #9

Open SageVale opened 7 months ago

SageVale commented 7 months ago

Traffic Generation Proposal


Overview of the test plan and what type of traffic the participant aims to generate. depends on:

query rpc to call view functions of the created lockups, e.g view the unlocked balance (get_locked_vested_amount) at each block (or for the last X blocks) for Y accounts

Target traffic volume

What is the estimated traffic volume?
Don't forget to mention required tokens needed to generate the traffic for the agreed time
Traffic should be large enough to prove/challenge scalability/stability of the network.

N_queries = N_lockup_accounts * N_blocks

Reproduction steps

Provide us with necessary scripts/codes (in case the engineering team needs to replay in the future)

walnut-the-cat commented 7 months ago

Thanks @SageVale for submitting the proposal. As the traffic generation program won't start until stage 2 of stake wars, we won't be able to share the feedback immediately, but will try to evaluate soon and get back to you on this. Thanks for your interest in our traffic generation program!

SageVale commented 6 months ago

Hi @walnut-the-cat any news on my proposal? Best,