nearform / autopsy

dissect your dead node services with mdb via a smart os vm
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Getting autopsy:start failed to connect to ssh retrying in 10000ms #8

Closed missyjcat closed 8 years ago

missyjcat commented 8 years ago

I followed the steps in the README and am unable to start the vm. Here is the error I am getting. I've verified port 2222 was free before I started, and I'm on OS X El Capitan 10.11.6

I have tried this as my user and also as root.

^Cjchan-MBP13-RR16Z:ngjs-memory-leak root# DEBUG=autopsy:* autopsy setup
Setting up smartos vm
  autopsy:download assets folder already exists, attempting to remove +0ms
  autopsy:download tarball saving to /Users/jchan/.nvm/versions/node/v4.4.7/lib/node_modules/autopsy/ +22ms
  autopsy:download starting download +532ms
Download Complete               
  autopsy:download decompressing and extracting /Users/jchan/.nvm/versions/node/v4.4.7/lib/node_modules/autopsy/ +2ms
extracting assets/smartos.iso
  autopsy:download outputing assets/smartos.iso to /Users/jchan/.nvm/versions/node/v4.4.7/lib/node_modules/autopsy/assets/smartos.iso +3ms
extracting assets/smartos.ovf
  autopsy:download outputing assets/smartos.ovf to /Users/jchan/.nvm/versions/node/v4.4.7/lib/node_modules/autopsy/assets/smartos.ovf +9s
smart os vm has been set up
SETUP TIME: 9893ms
booting vm to generate snapshot
  autopsy:start checking if snapshot exists +283ms
  autopsy:start snapshot does not exist +41ms
  autopsy:start no snapshot, entering long boot +0ms
  autopsy:start attempting to start smartos vm +0ms
  autopsy:start waiting 3500 for GRUB loader screen +543ms
  autopsy:start attempting to send <Enter> key press into vm to bypass grub menu +4s
vm up, waiting for ready state
No snapshot, first boot will take a while (up to 5 mins)
  autopsy:start running a check against ssh connection, remaining attempts: 29 +40ms
  autopsy:connect creating connection to ssh root@localhost:2222 +0ms
  autopsy:start failed to connect to ssh retrying in 10000ms +41ms
{ [Error: connect ECONNREFUSED]
  errno: 'ECONNREFUSED',
  syscall: 'connect',
  level: 'connection-socket' }
  autopsy:start running a check against ssh connection, remaining attempts: 28 +10s
  autopsy:connect creating connection to ssh root@localhost:2222 +0ms
  autopsy:start failed to connect to ssh retrying in 10000ms +2ms
{ [Error: connect ECONNREFUSED]
  errno: 'ECONNREFUSED',
  syscall: 'connect',
  level: 'connection-socket' }

In my VirtualBox application, I'm also seeing image

missyjcat commented 8 years ago

Ahh upgrading VirtualBox solved this for me. I had just upgraded to El Capitan also.