nearform / nceubadge

The NodeConf EU 2017 Badge
Apache License 2.0
34 stars 11 forks source link

[WIP] Hardware / Firmware feedback #6

Open mcdonnelldean opened 6 years ago

mcdonnelldean commented 6 years ago

@gfwilliams I'll add my overall feedback about the hardware here (I'm sure there's a nice earner in this as a kit with some challenges for the purchaser). Overall I'm super impressed, it's a very clever piece of kit and probably the best JS experience I've had with hardware, by far. Even updating the firmware (the prototype was out of date) was a breezer. Very well done 👏

The intention here is to provide feedback for whatever future iterations you do. I don't expect anything here to appear on the boards already shipped, just for absolute clarity.

gfwilliams commented 6 years ago

Thanks, that's great! - I guess you'll be at Nodeconf and we could talk then?

I'm a little unsure about the future of the hexagonal badge itself - most non-Node conferences would wonder why the odd shape, and it makes the whole thing quite a lot more expensive to make & manufacture - so it might be something I make on demand for conferences.

However I'll definitely be looking at something with a display - perhaps not much bigger than the display itself, with mounting holes. I guess it could then be mounted in laser-cut acrylic for whatever shape of badge was required. If I can get something more general purpose then the quantity goes up and the price goes down a whole bunch.

mcdonnelldean commented 6 years ago

Yup. I'll be there the final day, if I miss you I'll arrange some sort of call with you. Agree on the shape of the badge and cost issues. I have slightly 'alternative' ideas using the same spirit but less angular, not a conf badge as such. Lets chat when we catch up. I'll remove references to cost / kit later today / before the site goes life so we aren't chatting about this in public.

gfwilliams commented 6 years ago

Ok, no problem - Personally I don't mind public discussion about that kind of thing, but it's totally up to you :) Totally agreed on going less conference-badgey. Hopefully there can be something flexible enough that it can do both!