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Investigate animation smoothness on iOS #35

Open AlanSl opened 6 months ago

AlanSl commented 6 months ago

@pkiddie reported some issues on iPhone 14 Pro even after applying the withTiming step.

On an iPhone SE it looks okay, some room for improvement maybe; this would be a good issue to pick up for someone with access to a high-end modern iPhone.

AlanSl commented 3 months ago

From some investigation, this seems to happen on iPhones more recent than around 2021-ish, and only on hot reloads during development when "fast refresh" is turned on.

It appears that turning fast refresh off in the Expo dev menu (shake the device) fixes the animation smoothness, and reloading the app (either hard quit and restart on the device, or maybe r in the Expo Metro terminal) probably fixes it too but this isn't confirmed yet.