nearform / sql

SQL injection protection module
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OS Command injections #204

Closed Avivbens closed 3 days ago

Avivbens commented 1 week ago

Hi 👋

Really liked this tool! Super convenient.

Any chance you're also supporting OS Command protection? Could be just the same logic, if I think about that...

simoneb commented 1 week ago

Can you provide an example of something like that?

Avivbens commented 1 week ago

Can you provide an example of something like that?


Assume I'd like to execute that:

// I'd like to apply some protection to these dynamic values, as the user can affect them
const command = `mdfind ${kind} -name "${name}" ${onlyInStr ?? ''}`
const { stdout } = await execPromise(query, { maxBuffer: 10_000_000 })

You can see a reference in here