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Fake user URLs don't work #5

Open dthorpe opened 9 years ago

dthorpe commented 9 years ago

http://localhost:3333/well/ma/#main displays the expected page (prompting for login) but http://localhost:3333/fake/u1/ma returns 404 and http://localhost:3333/data-editor returns 404 (even after setting local = true in options.well.js)

kamil-mech commented 9 years ago

This means your app is not online. Web browsers tend to remember certain pages and display them as they remember them. You can also try http://localhost:3333/ and it will work even though the app will not be ran(if you accessed it before). If you try both in a new browser, you will get 404.

Make sure you run the app with the --env flag:

node app.js --env=development

for dev mode


node app.js --env=production

for finished app

If your terminal shows you your directory path after you typed in those and you can freely type in any commands, it probably means that your app crashed and you have a log of what happened above it.