nearprotocol / ready-layer-one-hackathon

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[$1000] NEAR Ready Layer One Hackathon Prize: Financial Hack #2

Open SkidanovAlex opened 4 years ago

SkidanovAlex commented 4 years ago

NEAR Ready Layer One Hackathon Prize: Financial Hack

Prize Bounty

1000 DAI

Challenge Description

At least in the United States, the economy has taken a turn for the worst. Many people are worried about the lasting economic impacts of this disruption across the globe. In the midst of this bank branches are closed, so getting cash and/or depositing money is much more difficult.

A successful hack

Start by cloning one of the examples in our online IDE here
Follow this guide to get to a head start.
Ready to start hacking locally? Check out this manual.
More tutorials and references here.

Find teammates and join the conversation on our discord server (join #near-at-ready-layer-one-hackathon channel if it doesn't take you there automatically).

Submission Requirements

Please make sure that your submission addresses the following criteria:

Additionally, we want to see some insights into your thought process that went into the idea generation and application development. Each submission will be evaluated on an individual basis.

Submission Deadline

The hackathon will take place from May 6th to May 12th. The submission deadline is May 19th at 23:59 PM CET.

Judging Criteria

An asynchronous panel of engineers will judge your hack. They will rate your project on a scale from 1-5 on the following grades.

Winner Announcement Date

Hacks will be reviewed immediately at the end of the hackathon. We will announce winners within 48 hours of the end of the hackathon, but likely sooner. All winners will be announced in one group.

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 0.001 ETH (0.21 USD @ $212.93/ETH) attached to it.

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 3 minutes ago. Please review their action plans below:

1) danieliwoofficial has started work.

NEARSave is a savings application utilising NEAR based smart contracts. People will use NEARSave to store their money for future purchases in advance. NEARSave ensures its users do not spend their money until the purchase date, protecting their savings for their bad spending. 2) zavodil has started work.

Building decentralized bots in NEAR. Trey will became trusted and popular if ther will represent useful sets of functions. Gor example if you want to send NEAR tokens to somebody who even doesn't have a cryptowallet but who is using telegram. In this case you cant do it without a telegram bot which will manage the whole process. This part is done (Airdrop PoC by telegram bot

I can easily extend it for example to crowdfunding, bot will create new account for charity issue. As soon as money will be collected bot may automatically convert tokens to fiat, buy medical equipment online and order delivery to recipient. I already programmed some of that staff, just instead of "send to telegram" I can call it "create charity project" and save more options about the recipient. 3) kodamasakuno has started work.

In order to use personal token in Gitcoin, users need either stake their mainnet erc20 token into a gateway near protocol contract, or customize a new personal token in Gitcoin personal token generator page. 4) fennikangcc has started work.

A Prototype for ChironCoin Trading Platform 5) sarangparikh22 has started work.

I have created an application to help people easily move during the time of the world pandemic. They can register for a Move Pass and appropriate authorities can approve that. I have also built a DAO Campaign System that can help people in need to create DAOs and Campaigns for their fundraising. This will help the financial inclusion of all the people. I also have a Scheme and a Stimulus distribution system. 6) mikaellazarev has started work.

I've designed amazing project "NearContracts" which provides functionality to write smartcontracts using markdown 7) emmaodia has started work.

I am Building a Shares Sales dApp the Small Business can use to get cash upfront to stay afloat.

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 0.001 ETH (0.21 USD @ $214.26/ETH) has been submitted by:

  1. @sarangparikh22
  2. @mikaellazarev
  3. @zavodil
  4. @emmaodia
  5. @danieliwoofficial

@skidanovalex please take a look at the submitted work:

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

⚡️ A tip worth 1000.00000 DAI (1000.0 USD @ $1.0/DAI) has been granted to @zavodil for this issue from @juliebissinger. ⚡️

Nice work @zavodil! To redeem your tip, login to Gitcoin at and select 'Claim Tip' from dropdown menu in the top right, or check your email for a link to the tip redemption page.

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

⚡️ A tip worth 500.00000 DAI (500.0 USD @ $1.0/DAI) has been granted to @mikaellazarev for this issue from @juliebissinger. ⚡️

Nice work @mikaellazarev! Your tip has automatically been deposited in the ETH address we have on file.

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

The funding of 0.001 ETH (0.24 USD @ $242.26/ETH) attached to this issue has been approved & issued to @zavodil.

Additional Tips for this Bounty: