Update the team structure and verify permissions for each team:
Note: The following plan is tentative to get us started, and will be updated after further discussion.
[ ] Rename "Maintainers" to "Core"
[ ] Rename "Emeritus maintainers" to "Emeritus core"
[ ] Create a new "Owners" team (name TBD) -- folks who have owner role and can add/remove team members. Alternatively, we can give "Core" team these rights?
[ ] Verify permissions for each team:
[ ] "Triage" team should be able to add/remove issue and pr labels across all repos in the org, ensure they can transfer issues across repos
[ ] "Design" team should have merge rights only on nebari-dev/design
[ ] "Documentation" team should have merge rights only on nebari-dev/nebari-doc
[ ] "Contributors" team should have merge rights across all repos in the org
[ ] "Core" team can update things at the org level in addition to "Contributor" privileges (?) Alternatively, this team can be for recognizing decision makers.
[ ] "Emeritus core" members should have no special access, this team is for recognizing past contributions.
Update the team structure and verify permissions for each team:
Note: The following plan is tentative to get us started, and will be updated after further discussion.
cc @trallard