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[DOC] - How to interact with conda-store programmatically #485

Closed kcpevey closed 2 months ago

kcpevey commented 2 months ago

Preliminary Checks


In order to automate the creation of conda-store environments, it is necessary to interact with conda-store programmatically.

Nebari provides the ability to auto-pull git repositories and place them in users's private directories. This is useful for providing examples to users, but in order to truly prepare Nebari for new users running such examples, it must also create the environment(s) to go along with it. Doing this manually with every change to examples is tedious to maintain.

And just in general - developers often prefer doing things programmatically.

Its possible to programmatically create conda-store environments, but currently, the process is not part of a formal api. Until it becomes part of an api, I suggest documenting the code.

Steps to Resolve this Issue

I started with as mentioned above, but removed parts that I couldn't get to work (login->token creation) and other things an end user on nebari shouldn't mess with (create/delete namespace). I also manually logged into conda-store before running this code.

First, you must go to {your nebari domain}/conda-store/admin/user and create a token.

There is a LOT of boilerplate here, but the important calls are down at the bottom.

import json
import requests
import time
import uuid

from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Union
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone


def get_current_time() -> datetime:
    """Get the current time."""

def get_time_in_future(hours: int) -> datetime:
    """Get the time in the future."""
    current_time = get_current_time()
    future_time = current_time + timedelta(hours=hours)
    return future_time

def get_iso8601_time(hours: int) -> str:
    """Get the time in the future in ISO 8601 format."""
    future_time = get_time_in_future(hours)
    iso_format = future_time.isoformat()
    return iso_format

class BuildStatus(Enum):
    """Enum for API build status."""


class NamespaceStatus(Enum):
    OK = "ok"
    ERROR = "error"

class API:
    Helper class for making requests to the API.
    These methods are used to build tests for user journeys

    def __init__(
        base_url: str,
        token: str = "",
        username: str = "username",
        password: str = "password",
    ) -> None:
        self.base_url = base_url
        self.token = token
        if not token:
            # Log in if no token is provided to set the token
            self._login(username, password)

    def _make_request(
        endpoint: str,
        method: str = "GET",
        json_data: dict = None,
        headers: dict = None,
        timeout: int = TIMEOUT,
    ) -> requests.Response:
        """Make a request to the API."""
        url = f"{self.base_url}/{endpoint}"
        headers = headers or {}
        headers["Authorization"] = f"Bearer {self.token}"
        response = requests.request(
            method, url, json=json_data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout
        return response

    def get_logs(self, build_id: int) -> requests.Response:
        """Get the logs for the given build id.

        build_id : int
            ID of the build to get the logs for

            Response from the conda-store-server. Logs are stored in the
            `.text` property, i.e. response.json()['text']
        return self._make_request(f"api/v1/build/{build_id}/logs/")

    def _login(self, username: str, password: str) -> None:
        """Log in to the API and set an access token."""
        json_data = {"username": username, "password": password}
        response =
            f"{self.base_url}/login", json=json_data, timeout=TIMEOUT
        cookies = response.cookies.get_dict()
        token_response =
            f"{self.base_url}/api/v1/token", cookies=cookies, timeout=TIMEOUT
        data = token_response.json()
        self.token = data["data"]["token"]

    def create_environment(
        namespace: str,
        specification_path: str,
        max_iterations: int = 100,
        sleep_time: int = 5,
        wait: bool = True,
    ) -> requests.Response:
        """Create an environment.

        namespace : str
            Namespace the environment should be written to
        specification_path : str
            Path to conda environment specification file
        max_iterations : int
            Max number of times to check whether the build completed before failing
        sleep_time : int
            Seconds to wait between each status check
        wait : bool
            If True, wait for the build to complete, fail, or be canceled before
            returning a response. If False, return the response from the specification
            POST immediately without waiting

            Response from the conda-store server's api/v1/build/{build_id}/
        with open(specification_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
            specification_content =

        response = self._make_request(
            json_data={"namespace": namespace, "specification": specification_content},
        if not wait:
            return response

        build_id = response.json()["data"]["build_id"]

        def check_status():
            status = self.get_build_status(build_id)
            if status in [BuildStatus.QUEUED, BuildStatus.BUILDING]:
                return False
            return status in [

        wait_for_condition(check_status, timeout=240, interval=1)
        return self._make_request(f"api/v1/build/{build_id}/")

    def delete_environment(
        self, namespace: str, environment_name: str
    ) -> requests.Response:
        """Delete an environment."""
        return self._make_request(
            f"api/v1/environment/{namespace}/{environment_name}", method="DELETE"

    def list_environments(self, namespace: Optional[str] = None):
        """List the environments in the given namespace.

        namespace : Optional[str]
            Name of the namespace for which environments are to be retrieved.
            If None, all environments are retrieved.

            Response from the server containing the list of environments
        if namespace:
            return self._make_request(
                f"api/v1/environment/?namespace={namespace}", method="GET"
        return self._make_request("api/v1/environment/", method="GET")

    def set_active_build(
        self, namespace: str, environment: str, build_id: int
    ) -> requests.Response:
        """Set the active build for a given environment.

        namespace : str
            Name of the namespace in which the environment lives
        environment : str
            Environment to set the build for
        build_id : int
            ID of the build to be activated for the given environment

            Response from the conda-store server.
        return self._make_request(
            json_data={"build_id": build_id},

    def get_builds(
        environment: Optional[str] = None,
        namespace: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Get information about an environment.

        namespace : Optional[str]
            Name of a namespace
        environment : Optional[str]
            Name of an environment

        dict[str, Any]
            Dict of build properties; see API docs for
            api/v1/build/ for more information.
        query_params = []
        if environment:

        if namespace:

        return self._make_request(f'api/v1/build/?{"&".join(query_params)}').json()[

    def get_environment(self, namespace: str, environment: str) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Get information about an environment.

        namespace : str
            Name of the namespace in which the environment lives
        environment : str
            Name of the environment

        dict[str, Any]
            Dict of environment properties; see API docs for
            api/v1/environment/{namespace}/{environment}/ for more information.
        return self._make_request(

    def cancel_build(self, build_id: int) -> requests.Response:
        """Cancel a build in progress.

        build_id : int
            ID of the build to cancel

            Response from the server
        return self._make_request(f"api/v1/build/{build_id}/cancel/", method="PUT")

    def get_build_status(self, build_id: int) -> BuildStatus:
        """Get the status of a build as a BuildStatus instance.

        build_id : int
            ID of the build to get the status for

            Build status for the given build ID
        response = self._make_request(f"api/v1/build/{build_id}/")
        return BuildStatus(response.json()["data"]["status"])

    def get_lockfile(self, build_id: int) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Get a lockfile for the given build ID.
            Build for which the lockfile is to be retrieved

        Dict[str, Any]
            Dictionary containing the lockfile version, metadata, and packages
        return json.loads(self._make_request(f"api/v1/build/{build_id}/lockfile").text)

def wait_for_condition(
    condition: Callable[[], bool], timeout: int = 60, interval: int = 1
    """Call `condition` until it returns `True`.

    `condition` will be called every `interval` seconds up to a maximum of `timeout`
    seconds, at which point a ValueError is raised.

    condition : Callable[[], bool]
        Function to call until True is returned
    timeout : int
        Number of seconds to continue calling `condition` for before timing out
    interval : int
        Number of seconds between consecutive calls
    initial_time = time.time()
    while time.time() - initial_time < timeout:
        result = condition()
        if result:


    raise ValueError(
        f"Timeout after {timeout}s waiting for condition. Last result: {result}"

nebari_domain = 'https://my.nebari.domain'
base_url = f'{nebari_domain}/conda-store'
token = 'mytoken'
# local path to environment spec - MUST SPECIFY NAME IN SPEC
specification_path = '/home/myusername/test_env.yml'
namespace = 'myusername'

api = API(base_url=base_url, token=token)
# create environment and return the environment name
environment_name = api.create_environment(namespace, specification_path).json()["data"]["specification"]["name"]
kcpevey commented 2 months ago

Related issue on conda-store requesting moving this into the package:

viniciusdc commented 2 months ago

Its possible to programmatically create conda-store environments, but currently, the process is not part of a formal api. Until it becomes part of an api, I suggest documenting the code.

I think you mean an SDK here right? instead of an API , i.e

conda-store create-env


from conda_store import create_env

also, not the actual solution but you might be able to get some of the logic by pulling out conda-store as a package and calling some of the functions from there, might help you reduce some of the logic

kcpevey commented 2 months ago

Yeah you're right, I'm using it as an SDK here. Really I'd be fine with SDK or CLI, but I actually think there may already be a way (an easier way) to go about this, its just not documented. I think it's best to close this and follow the related conda-store issue for documenting this process.