nebrius / raspi-io

An IO plugin for Johnny-Five that provides support for the Raspberry Pi
MIT License
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data read from BNO055 sensor using i2c #103

Closed khalifima closed 6 years ago

khalifima commented 6 years ago

Hi I am using raspberry pi zero w to which i am connecting a bno055 sensor, when i follow the example provided in johnny-five to read data from the sensor I experience an odd behaviour, somehow in a random way some values have their most significant bit flipped from zero to 1. i am using node 8.x in raspbian stretch lite 03-2018

fivdi commented 6 years ago


khalifima commented 6 years ago


nebrius commented 6 years ago

I'm going to close this issue in favor of fivdi/i2c-bus#46, thanks for filing!