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mac make build步骤出错,有人遇到过么 #164

Open wangyuan033 opened 6 years ago

wangyuan033 commented 6 years ago
cd cmd/neb; go build -ldflags "-X main.version=1.0.1 -X main.commit=a7aaa0aaef2677038562356e1bbdccfb848d2fb4 -X main.branch=master -X main.compileAt=`date +%s`" -o ../../neb-a7aaa0aaef2677038562356e1bbdccfb848d2fb4
accountcmd.go:25:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.10.2/libexec/src/ (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/xxx/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
hankcocco commented 6 years ago


kjs1715 commented 6 years ago

这个应该是 $GOPATH的问题,本人通过 export GOPATH=/Users/用户名/go-workspace(自己创的)解决了

yupnano commented 6 years ago

weiht12 commented 5 years ago

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