nebulous / infinitude

Open control of Carrier/Bryant thermostats
MIT License
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Wiki instructions did not work for Rasbian Strech (Solved) #44

Closed GitBeagle closed 6 years ago

GitBeagle commented 6 years ago

My Infinitude Raspberry pi stopped working after a power outage. It had been working great for almost a year. In the meantime I had forgotten the password. Dumb! Anyway I started over with the current version of Rasbian Stretch lite. After much trial and error I got Infinitude working using the following steps. YMMV!

I followed the instructions for the Raspberry pi in the wiki but ran into problems. The Weather Underground module didn't install correctly. It complained about needing inc::Module::Install, etc. While not a complete Linux noob this was beyond me.

After a bit of Googling I read about possible compiler incompatibilities. Not sure it was necessary but I installed gcc 4.7

sudo apt-get install gcc-4.7

No luck I still got the same error. More Googling lead me to install Module::Install since that is what it said it was missing. (sudo probably not required)

sudo cpanm -S inc::Module::Install

Then it said it was missing JSON so I installed it using the following.

sudo cpanm install JSON

Finally I was able to install Weather Underground without errors. IO::Termios had already installed without errors.

sudo cpanm -S WWW::Wunderground::API 

After all this Infinitude started without errors.

I'm not suggesting you use Rasbian Strech but if you do I suspect this might be helpful...


nebulous commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the detailed report! I don't run Infinitude on a rpi, so I rely on others to keep the wiki updated. Feel free to edit as appropriate!