nebuly-ai / optimate

A collection of libraries to optimise AI model performances
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Issues with accelerate and deepspeed training #331

Open swang99 opened 1 year ago

swang99 commented 1 year ago

I've been having issues trying to distribute training onto multiple GPUs. Even after following this pull request, I check the nvidia-smi log and it still shows all the load being on one GPU, whether using deepspeed or accelerate.

Here are the commands I tried to train the actor models: deepspeed artifacts/ artifacts/config/config.yaml --type RL accelerate launch artifacts/ artifacts/config/config.yaml --type RL Everything else I simply kept as default configuration and did not touch anything else. Any ideas? Thank you.

EikeKohl commented 1 year ago

Hi @swang99, Did you also not set deepspeed_enable to True in the config.yaml? Because this has to be done. If so, can you please share the config.yaml as well as the deepspeed config you used?

swang99 commented 1 year ago

Hi @EikeKohl. Yes, here is my config.yaml

  # learning rates
  actor_lr: 0.000005
  critic_lr: 0.000009
  # PPO Hyperparameters
  actor_eps_clip: 0.2
  critic_eps_clip: 0.2
  beta_s: 0.02
  # coefficient for the discounted rewards
  gamma_discounted: 1 
  # path to examples to be sampled (training dataset) see rlhf_dataset.json
  examples_path: "./datasets/rlhf_training_data.json"
  # number of episodes and generation performed for each episode
  # in the train() method
  num_episodes: 100
  max_timesteps: 32
  # number of timesteps after which the learn() method is called 
  # (to update the weights)
  update_timesteps: 32
  # number of example sampled at each timestep
  num_examples: 1
  # batch and epochs for the training
  batch_size: 1
  epochs: 1
  # number of episodes after which update the checkpoints in RL training
  checkpoint_steps: 1000
  # here specify the name of the actor_rl checkpoint from which resume 
  # during actor RL training. If null load the last one.
  checkpoint_name: null

  model: "facebook/opt-1.3b"
  model_folder: "./models"
  tokenizer_path: "path-to-tokenizer"
  train_dataset_path: "./datasets/actor_training_data.json"
  validation_dataset_path: null
  # froze model embedding during training
  froze_embeddings: True
  # use fairscale layers to build the model instead of vanilla pytorch
  # only for llama
  use_fairscale: False
  # max sequence length for the actor (i.e. prompt + completion) it depends on
  # the model used.
  max_sequence_length: 2048
  # max tokens generated by the actor (completion only)
  max_tokens: 2048
  # minimum number of tokens generated by the actor
  min_tokens: 100
  # additional prompt tokens to be used for template or as safety
  additonal_prompt_tokens: 20
  # temperature for the actor
  temperature: 0.1
  batch_size: 2
  # number iteration after print
  iteration_per_print: 1
  lr: 0.000009
  epochs: 1
  # number of backpropagation after saving the checkpoints
  checkpoint_steps: 5000
  # number of checkpoints to keep while removing the older 
  # (keep memory consumption of checkpoints reasonable)
  n_checkpoints_to_keep: 5
  # here specify the name of the actor checkpoint from which resume 
  # during actor training. If null load the last one.
  checkpoint_name: null
  # deepspeed settings
  deepspeed_enable: True
  deepspeed_config_path: "./artifacts/config/ds_config.json"
  # accelerate settings
  accelerate_enable: False
  # use_peft - the parameters of PEFT can be modified in the peft_config.yaml
  peft_enable: False
  peft_config_path: "./artifacts/config/peft_config.yaml"

  # model to be chosen are gp2-large, bart-base, longformer-base-4096
  # more can be simply added in the __init__()
  model: "facebook/opt-125m"
  model_folder: "./models"
  # hidden size of the additional ffw head to produce the scores
  model_head_hidden_size: 2048
  max_sequence_length: 2048
  train_dataset_path: "./datasets/reward_training_data.json"
  validation_dataset_path: null
  batch_size: 8
  epochs: 1
  iteration_per_print: 1
  # steps after which the checkpoint are saved
  checkpoint_steps: 10000
  # here specify the name of the reward checkpoint from which resume 
  # during reward training. If null load the last one.
  checkpoint_name: null
  lr: 0.000009
  # deepspeed settings
  deepspeed_enable: True
  deepspeed_config_path: "./artifacts/config/ds_config.json"
  # accelerate settings
  accelerate_enable: False

  # model to be chosen are gp2-large, bart-base, longformer-base-4096
  # more can be simply added in the __init__()
  model: "facebook/opt-125m"
  # hidden size of the additional ffw head to produce the scores
  model_head_hidden_size: 2048
  max_sequence_length: 2048
  model_folder: "./models"
  # here specify the name of the critic checkpoint from which resume 
  # during critic training. If null load the last one.
  checkpoint_name: null

And the ds_config.json:

    "train_batch_size": 8,
    "gradient_accumulation_steps": 1,
    "optimizer": {
      "type": "Adam",
      "params": {
        "lr": 0.00015
    "fp16": {
      "enabled": false,
      "auto_cast": false,
      "loss_scale": 0,
      "initial_scale_power": 16,
      "loss_scale_window": 1000,
      "hysteresis": 2,
      "min_loss_scale": 1
  "zero_optimization": {
    "stage": 2,
    "allgather_partitions": true,
    "allgather_bucket_size": 5e8,
    "overlap_comm": false,
    "reduce_scatter": true,
    "reduce_bucket_size": 5e8,
    "contiguous_gradients" : true,
    "offload_param": {
      "device": "cpu",
      "nvme_path": "/local_nvme",
      "pin_memory": true,
      "buffer_count": 5,
      "buffer_size": 1e8,
      "max_in_cpu": 1e9
    "offload_optimizer": {
      "device": "cpu",
      "nvme_path": "/local_nvme",
      "pin_memory": true,
      "buffer_count": 4,
      "fast_init": false
    "stage3_max_live_parameters" : 1e9,
    "stage3_max_reuse_distance" : 1e9,
    "stage3_prefetch_bucket_size" : 5e8,
    "stage3_param_persistence_threshold" : 1e6,
    "sub_group_size" : 1e12,
    "elastic_checkpoint" : true,
    "stage3_gather_16bit_weights_on_model_save": true,
    "ignore_unused_parameters": true,
    "round_robin_gradients": true
PierpaoloSorbellini commented 1 year ago

Hi @swang99 thanks for opening the issue. I think I got the problem, If you look to the PR #306 there is an updated config.yaml (with added fields for distributed training with RL) It seems that yours is not updated, could you check that? Thanks again!

EikeKohl commented 1 year ago

@swang99 was your issue resolved with the latest repo state? If not, could you please share your nvidia-smi output? And you could also try zero optimization stage 3 (