necropotame / teeworlds-infclass

Infection Mod with a class system for TeeWorlds
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Obsolete old Teeworlds infection mods by adding config option for classless InfClass #203

Open Socialdarwinist opened 7 years ago

Socialdarwinist commented 7 years ago

This would require that the players do not get sent the class menu, keep their skins and start as an extra class that has all weapons, while there would be an extra infected class that has no abilities but gains superjump after two kills and maybe explodes when killed (there is sometimes an option for zombie explosion on infection servers). Also, it would require the maps to contain shields, hearts and weapons that get only displayed in the classic mode.

Having such a classic mode would render the old unmaintained infection mods superfluous and would make it possible to play Infection Class maps de facto on classic Infection or bInfMod without further map porting (or TeeUniverse support of classless infection mods) while having some advantages of InfClass like hook protection, private messages, spoofing protection, localization.

As for the score data in the SQL version, there should in my view be separate scoretables for classless infection, but of course with the same accounts. Here we would have the advantage that players can use one account across class infection and classless infection, possibily having to memorize one set of data less.