necroware / gameport-adapter

GamePort adapter to connect old DB15 joysticks to USB port
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Cannot upload code to DEV-12640 #57

Closed Gold-Phoenix closed 1 year ago

Gold-Phoenix commented 1 year ago

I can compile but not upload the firmware to a DEV-12640, I have tried getting the board on Ardiuno IDE, I've tried using it on Linux, and no matter what I do it just disconnects the DEV-12640 and then says it cannot find it.

Please help as I don't know what to do

creopard commented 1 year ago

If the IDE won't find the board, try this guide:

Gold-Phoenix commented 1 year ago

It shows up on COM but it just disconnects it once i upload via ardiuno

Gold-Phoenix commented 1 year ago

Can anyone help me? I seriously don't know if I'm doing something wrong or not, or if it's just the micro controller being an ass

necroware commented 1 year ago

Did you try to upload a simple blink example? Does it work?

Gold-Phoenix commented 1 year ago

I've just tried this example for my micro controller posted here:

It didn't work, it's also worth noting that I've tried both versions of the Arduino IDE. I've tried it on different computers. I've also tried it on Arch, Ubuntu, Windows 10, and windows 7. Arch and Windows 7 were on PC 1, and Ubuntu and Windows 10 were on PC 2.

necroware commented 1 year ago

Then I'm afraid this board is the wrong place to ask this question. Here you will not find a lot of Arduino specialists, nor people who have a lot of experience with the clones, like this one. I think, you would get much more help on appropriate Arduino forum or something similar. May be you can google for some discussion about the module, which you have there?

Gold-Phoenix commented 1 year ago

So it probably is the micro controller then, and thank you for the suggestion, I've already posted on the sparkfun forum, just waiting on a reply now, thank you for your time, I'll mark this as closed.

Gold-Phoenix commented 1 year ago

Quick question, what micro controller would you recommend, because you said you dont work with the "clones" but i bought the DEV-12640 from mouser like you said to on the part requirements

necroware commented 1 year ago

Oh, sorry, I actually didn't mean it that way. I also work with Pro Micro clones, and this SparkFun version, which you have works reportedly. I never used it, but other people tested it already and contributed the mouser part number, which you mentioned. What I meant by "experience with clones" is, that here are not many people, who tried it with different versions of the Arduino, nor are Arduino specialists. And if there is an issue with a controller board, which is not related to this project, there is a better chance to get some help on a bigger forum, where much more people are involved and have experience with issues like what you have. I'm pretty sure, that your DEV-12640 should work, if it's not defective, but before flashing a more advanced firmware like this here, I'd upload something basic first to make sure, that the hardware is ok. May be you run into issues because of some USB power saving features in your system, but it's just a guess. It's better to ask someone, who knows more about the controllers.

Gold-Phoenix commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the clarification :) it would be my luck if I happened to get a defective one haha. And I can't get it to work so it's probably just a one off thing, I've ordered another one from ebay this time, and it says it was tested before being shipped off so hopefully it works, thank you again :)

creopard commented 1 year ago

And by the way, please also try another USB(3) cable for the connection - just to make sure.

While using an USB3 adapter, I've come accross some older USB cables (often enclosed with power supplies) that only had the ability to load a battery pack, but won't transfer any data, simply because the data lines (D+, D-) were physically not connected. Normally, these cables would not register the board in the first place, but weird things happen occasionally...

Gold-Phoenix commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your concern, I ended up trying out about 10 different cables and the only thing that changed was sometimes it just didnt show up in Windows, the results for uploading code were always the same

Gold-Phoenix commented 1 year ago

Just a little update, this one that i bought off of ebay works no problems:

Had to go into Arch Linux and set some permissions but afterwards the upload worked no issues! so maybe the sparkfun pro micro's arnt a good version to use, thank you again for this project and best of luck to you!