necroware / s7-vrm

Socket 7 Voltage Regulator Module
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Confirmed working: IBM Aptiva #6

Open Geoman opened 3 months ago

Geoman commented 3 months ago

IBM Aptiva 2168-931 Mainboard OEM: Universal Scientific Industrial Co., Ltd Chipset: Opti 82C557M Viper-N+ BIOS: BGOGR1L 12/29/98 CPU: AMD-K6-III+, 400 Mhz, 66 MHz Bus Clock, Multiplier 6x Socket 7 4x32MB Kingston EDO RAM 60ns s7-vrm revision 0.4 running flawlessly prior I had a Kingston PowerChip-Socket for split-voltage in use, that ran extremely hot, sometimes the PC did not start

Geoman commented 3 months ago

K6-III+/400ATZ, no modding necessary

necroware commented 3 months ago

Wow! Very cool! An Opti board this is a great news, that it works there as well. Thank you very much. I will add it to the list of tested boards then. Is it this one?

Geoman commented 3 months ago

Wow! Very cool! An Opti board this is a great news, that it works there as well. Thank you very much. I will add it to the list of tested boards then. Is it this one?

Yes, this is it exactly!