ned14 / outcome

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Code bug in documentation : make_error_code(ConversionErrc e) #241

Closed vjohansen closed 3 years ago

vjohansen commented 3 years ago

I am trying to follow the documentation and am copy/pasting code to get a minimal example with

outcome::result<int> convert(const std::string& str) noexcept


This causes a crash when retrieving some_result.error().message()

The issue is on the page return {static_cast<int>(e), ConversionErrc_category()};

If i follow the godbolt link the code is

std::error_code make_error_code(ConversionErrc e)
  return std::error_code{static_cast<int>(e), globalConversionErrorCategory};

Using a global object made my code example work too

ned14 commented 3 years ago

From that page you mentioned, I copy and pasted the entire snippet into wandbox, and it executes without crash just fine:

I don't see a godbolt link on that page. Can you clarify?

vjohansen commented 3 years ago

Probably here

Here is the first tutorial topic’s source code loaded into Godbolt:

At the bottom there a links to both godbolt and wandbox

vjohansen commented 3 years ago

Please close this issue.

I looked at my code again and the web page. It turns out I copied only the class ConversionErrc_category which caused a temporary error_category to be created in make_error_code.

This is because I did not copy the

THIS_MODULE_API_DECL const detail::ConversionErrc_category& ConversionErrc_category()
  static detail::ConversionErrc_category c;
  return c;

Which is a function with the same name as the class