Open nedbat opened 6 years ago
Original comment by Abdeali Kothari (Bitbucket: AbdealiJK, GitHub: AbdealiJK)
I am running it with my root anaconda - so, I think this is the right one. (Considering it was giving me an error of "invalid config path '1'" when i gave COVERAGE_PROCESS_START=1
- i believe it is the right one.
And I do not have any .coveragerc
file (just default configs)
@AbdealiJK Thanks for doing all this! One thing that looks wrong to me: the COVERAGE_PROCESS_START environment variable needs to refer to the location of the .covergerc file to use:
export COVERAGE_PROCESS_START=/path/to/.coveragerc
And you need to create a .pth file in the Python environment that is running the subprocesses.
Original comment by Abdeali Kothari (Bitbucket: AbdealiJK, GitHub: AbdealiJK)
I read over and tried:
EDIT: Realized that setting the env variable to 1 was causing some issues as the value is taken as the coverage configuration file to use.
fixed that error but it didnt cover the UDF :(
What I did:
with import coverage; coverage.process_startup()
But this didnt increase my coverage.
Inside the function, when I do print({k: v for k, v in os.environ.items() if k.lower().startswith('cov')})
which does seem correct.
For debugging I even tried:
def myadd(x, y):
import coverage
cov = coverage.Coverage(config_file=None)
import sys, os
print("sys.version_info =", sys.version_info)
print({k: v for k, v in os.environ.items() if k.lower().startswith('cov')})
x1 = x
y1 = y
return str(float(x1) + float(y1))
but the coverage did not increase.
Original comment by Abdeali Kothari (Bitbucket: AbdealiJK, GitHub: AbdealiJK)
Ned, I am trying to see if I can understand what spark exactly does so we can figure this out. Here are the steps:
to a bash script.get_new_col
is sent (serialized by cloudpickle i think) and the serialized-python-function is saved in JavaProcessBuilder
to create a new Python process. And runs the code in this second python process.I ran the following in the background:
while sleep 0.1; do echo date=$(date) py=$(ps aux | grep pytho[n] | wc -l) java=$(ps aux | grep jav[a] | wc -l) cov=$(ps aux | grep coverag[e] | wc -l); done
And verified that the sequence is:
So, the question I think can boil down to how to make all these python processes use coverage.
EDIT: The processes are:
/Users/abdealijk/anaconda3/bin/python /Users/abdealijk/anaconda3/bin/coverage run
/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_162.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java -cp /usr/local/hadoop/spark/conf/:/usr/local/hadoop/spark/jars/*:/usr/local/hadoop/hadoop/etc/hadoop/ -Xmx1g org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit --conf spark.master=local[1] pyspark-shell
/Users/abdealijk/anaconda3/bin/python -m pyspark.daemon
Issue #657 is also about PySpark.
Original comment by Abdeali Kothari (Bitbucket: AbdealiJK, GitHub: AbdealiJK)
Hm, it may be a bit complicated to setup (spark can get messy to install)
To reproduce, install:
For Spark you could try:
I have not had much luck getting it to work with brew though - but my setup is a little more complicated than just spark. It's never worked for me in one shot :P We can talk on gitter or IRC if you like if you run into issues trying to reproduce.
A quick note if you're not familiar with this system, PySpark uses Py4J which calls internal Java routines. So the df.selectExpr
you see it actually calling a Java function internally.
And that Java function goes back to call the registered UDF with spark.udf.register()
Hence the function is definitely running in a different process inside that JVM I believe.
It's Python Shell > JVM > Python Shell
Thanks for the report. I've never used PySpark. Before I try to reproduce this, what packages do I need to install to be able to run this code? I'm on a Mac, with Python 3.6. Give me the complete details of what I need to do to see the problem.
Any update on this issue? I am facing the same problem when I run pytest-cov
to test python methods that use @udf
decorated nested methods.
I'm running into the same problem. I tried your two suggestions, @nedbat , and had no luck.
I'm invoking
via pytest-cov
. I'm using Python 3.8 and have the following pyspark, pytest, pytest-cov, and coverage modules
Name: pyspark
Version: 2.4.7
Name: pytest-cov
Version: 2.11.1
Name: coverage
Version: 5.4
Hello, running into the same problem too:
pyspark==3.2.1 pytest==7.1.1 pytest-cov==3.0.0
If someone could provide very specific step-by-step instructions to reproduce the failure, that would help move this forward (though no guarantees...)
If someone could provide very specific step-by-step instructions to reproduce the failure, that would help move this forward (though no guarantees...)
@nedbat I tried to provide that here:
@AndrewLane experimenting a bit with this, my guess is that the code is running in a subprocess, but that process is started in a way that doesn't get coverage started on it, perhaps because it's started from Java.
Here is what I have tried. I created a
file in my copy of the repo to configure subprocess measurement, and to simplify re-running it:
cd /home
rm -f debug.txt
pip install pytest==7.0.1 coverage==6.2
echo "import coverage; coverage.process_startup()" > /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/00coverage.pth
export COVERAGE_PROCESS_START=$(pwd)/.coveragerc
coverage run -m pytest tests/ --disable-pytest-warnings
I created a .coveragerc file in /home:
parallel = true
source = ./src
I changed to add some debugging like this:
import os, sys
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, udf
from pyspark.sql.types import StringType
with open("debug.txt", "a") as f:
print(f"outside: {os.getpid()}: trace: {sys.gettrace()}\n", file=f)
def translate(english):
with open("debug.txt", "a") as f:
print(f"inside: {os.getpid()}: trace: {sys.gettrace()}\n", file=f)
if english == "1":
return "uno"
elif english == "2":
return "dos"
return f"Cannot translate {english}"
translation_udf = udf(lambda english: translate(english), StringType())
def transform_data(df):
return df.withColumn("spanish", translation_udf(col("english")))
When I run (with source /home/
), I have a debug.txt that looks like this:
outside: 14: trace: <coverage.CTracer object at 0x7fb34c1483f0>
outside: 172: trace: <coverage.CTracer object at 0x7fc301112030>
outside: 183: trace: <coverage.CTracer object at 0x7fc301112030>
outside: 186: trace: <coverage.CTracer object at 0x7fc301112030>
inside: 186: trace: <coverage.CTracer object at 0x7fc301112030>
outside: 180: trace: <coverage.CTracer object at 0x7fc301112030>
outside: 177: trace: <coverage.CTracer object at 0x7fc301112030>
outside: 188: trace: <coverage.CTracer object at 0x7fc301112030>
inside: 177: trace: <coverage.CTracer object at 0x7fc301112030>
inside: 188: trace: <coverage.CTracer object at 0x7fc301112030>
inside: 183: trace: <coverage.CTracer object at 0x7fc301112030>
inside: 186: trace: <coverage.CTracer object at 0x7fc301112030>
outside: 136: trace: <coverage.CTracer object at 0x7fc301112030>
inside: 136: trace: <coverage.CTracer object at 0x7fc301112030>
and the data files are:
root@5fcaa35b647e:/home# ls -al .coverage*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 53248 May 7 12:50 .coverage
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 53248 May 7 13:19 .coverage.5fcaa35b647e.118.982518
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 53248 May 7 13:19 .coverage.5fcaa35b647e.14.449311
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 37 May 7 12:46 .coveragerc
That should mean that process id's 118 and 14 recorded data, but the debug output doesn't show those ids. Also, the id of the CTracer object is the same for many different processes, so maybe we are dealing with something similar to #310?
Hi Ned, sorry for the lack of info.
I fastly made a repo to reproduce the lack of coverage on UDFs.
Don't look at code, it was just to reproduce :) Thanks for your help!
Does someone have a workaround ? :'(
I have the same issue when testing pySpark UDFs using pytest. But as a workaround, the UDFs are python functions and I can create tests that specifically test that function only.
python 3.8 pyspark==3.2.3 coverage ==6.5.0
Although this is not fully operational, I've uncovered something that might provide insight into how to make it work. example:
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.types import IntegerType
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf
spark = SparkSession.builder \
.appName("SimpleSparkUDF") \
data = [("John", 25)]
columns = ["Name", "Age"]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, columns)
def add_one_udf(age):
import os
import coverage
import module2
# set up coverage
content = f"""
branch = True
cover_pylib = False
concurrency = multiprocessing,thread
parallel = True
data_file = {os.getcwd()}/.coverage
with open("coveragerc_temp", "w") as file:
os.environ["COVERAGE_PROCESS_START"] = "coveragerc_temp"
cov = coverage.process_startup()
print("This line isn't covered by")
coverage_data_files = [
f"{current_directory}/{name}" for name in os.listdir(current_directory) if name.startswith(".coverage")
# send back the .coverage files to my local machine["scp", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no", *coverage_data_files, os.environ["localhost"])
return age + 1
add_one_udf_spark = udf(add_one_udf, IntegerType())
result = df.withColumn("AgePlusOne", add_one_udf_spark(df["Age"]))
def foo():
print("This line is covered by")
print("This line is covered by")
print("This line is covered by")
On my local host, I received 1 .coverage file. After mapping the paths to my local machine and executing coverage combine + coverage report, I can easily see that the lines from are covered (75% of the lines, excluding the function signature). However, it seems like isn't covered at all. Additionally, I tried to debug it with the trace flag in the debug section, and isn't mentioned at all.
Does anyone have insights into why isn't covered at all, unlike
Does anyone have insights into why isn't covered at all, unlike
You have to show us the steps you used to run the code, and how you used coverage on it. module1 starts coverage then calls foo(). This is why the three lines in the body of foo() are covered. Are you using coverage in any other way? If not, then module1 would not be measured.
@nedbat thanks for the fast response! No, in this example, I don't use coverage in any other way.
This is why the three lines in the body of foo() are covered.
I totally understand why these 3 lines are covered.
If not, then module1 would not be measured.
I'm not sure I get It, why isn't module1 covered, but module2 is covered? I'm initiating the coverage.process_startup() command on module1 within the PySpark UDF.
Coverage can't measure code that ran before it was started. This is why the def
line in module2 isn't covered. It will only measure code executed after coverage has been started, and additionally, only in functions called, not in the current function.
You are using the API in a really unusual way: process_startup() isn't meant for you to call from your code: it's for something that runs very early in the process, like sitecustomize or a .pth file.
The best way to help get pyspark support is to provide a complete runnable example, with detailed explicit instructions.
and additionally, only in functions called, not in the current function.
You are correct; this was my issue. Thank you very much!
For those attempting to edit the sitecustomize within the Spark executor, it didn't work for me. Please share if someone manages to collect coverage from the UDF itself using alternative methods.
The best way to help get pyspark support is to provide a complete runnable example, with detailed explicit instructions.
You are correct, unfortunately, it can be challenging to reproduce the Spark environment as it runs on distributed machines.
Originally reported by Abdeali Kothari (Bitbucket: AbdealiJK, GitHub: AbdealiJK)
I have a case where I have some pyspark codes in my code base and I am trying to test them. When doing that, I find that any python UDF I can with spark does not get covered even though I am running it. Note that I am running it in the local spark mode.
Reproducible example:
This says the UDF was not covered even though it did run.
Here are the logs when I run it:
Relevant packages: Python 3.6.4 :: Anaconda, Inc. coverage (4.5.1)
Edit 1: Simplified the reproducible example to remove unittest and pytest.