nedrysoft / pingnoo

An open-source cross-platform traceroute/ping analyser.
GNU General Public License v3.0
270 stars 27 forks source link

Headless / CMD interface #104

Open DerekFroese opened 2 years ago

DerekFroese commented 2 years ago

I love the idea of this tool, it will be so freaking handy. Usually I've used Pingtracer on Windows, but need something for mac/linux from time-to-time. I found the Windows GUI a bit glitchy on Windows 11, but I'm sure it'll become more stable over time.

It would be extremely handy to be able to run this tool without a GUI, such that it could be started from a script/RMM/shell interface, and the resultant data could be retrieved from a file. Troubleshooting connectivity issues would become much easier.

fizzyade commented 2 years ago


My health is unfortunately not too good at the moment and I have had to focus on stuff with my professional hat on.

The architecture of Pingnoo is extremely modular,it would be possible to build a terminal based application that leveraged everything apart from the GUI very easily, I specifically designed it in this manner with a thought to things like this.

I didn't get around to implementing the remote ping engine, but again it's pretty easy to create a standalone daemon that can run on some machine somewhere and have Pingnoo use that as the ping engine, again, the architecture of the software is built for stuff like this, Pingnoo abstracts the ping engine so that it doesn't care where the pings are actually originating from.